Monday Truth in Deep Love🤗❤️🙏

If I were at the center of their lives, they would not need to fear. If I were at the core of their souls, there would be no need for change! The only direction they would be led, would be onto My path of light, My bridge.”(From Jesus to Gianna below)

It can be really hard to “let go and let God.” Letting go doesn’t mean we stop caring, but it means putting enough trust in Him, knowing that He is living through, with and in us in the confidence that no matter what happens, He will bring us through it. Often the path He carries us through feels like “more than we can handle,” but the truth is, without adversity in our lives there is little room for growth, and there will be adversity. It’s our trust in Him that will ultimately get us through whatever we’re facing. As Padre Pio said; “Pray, hope, and don’t worry. Yesterday as I was stranded on the side of I81 in the heat with a broken motorcycle, I wasn’t in a state or fear, but after a couple of hours waiting for the “not so competent” insurance company to supposedly send a tow truck, a friend pulled up beside me and found me sitting in the grass with my rosary in my hand praying. A few minutes later a very helpful Virginia State Trooper found me a tow truck in the area that would actually respond, stayed behind my bike with lights flashing until I got out of there, and a friend came with a trailer from Pennsylvania, picked up my motorcycle from a parking lot, and I was home a little after 7 in the evening.
Now I could have freaked out, worried, and gone into a state of panic, but no good could have come from that whatsoever.
God always provides a way “through” things, when were typically in a state of fear looking for a way to”out” of them, but it’s in going “through” that particular thing that we are “tempered” in life. We grow through the “refiner’s fire, and become better people because of it.
Google says that “fear not” is in The Bible 365 times. Once for each day of the year. It isn’t always our own fear that puts us into a state of stress, but other’s fear that can “worry” us, but God calls us to bring His calm and His Light to every situation. To love as an example to others so that they might also live in His Peace. That peace that passes all understanding, and allows is to live our earthly lives “all in, and totally His. “Fear Not!”❤️🙏
(Reflection by Kenny Meek)

Message from Jesus to Gianna Talone Sullivan, I am Your Jesus of Mercy
APRIL 16, 1989
My dear one, do you know why so many of My people are afraid of Me? They are afraid because they fear I will ask something of them. They are afraid they will have to give up their control of their lives! Many are so comfortable in their lives that they fear I would lead them into another direction.
If I were at the center of their lives, they would not need to fear. If I were at the core of their souls, there would be no need for change! The only direction they would be led, would be onto My path of light, My bridge. Then they would truly lead comfortable lives! It is better to allow Me to direct their lives to My Father’s Light now than at a time more convenient for them. It is not a painful path!
My journey is one which brings you eternal, life-long happiness. Perhaps My people do not know the meaning of eternal. It you want eternal happiness, you need to make the effort and allow Me to direct and guide you, resting in My peace.
Oh My child, if only you could see the struggle I see My people allow. They lead such complex lives and they call it comfortable. They do not know what comfort means! That is why I have spoken these words of My lessons to My people, to help them realize what the truth is and how to achieve everlasting life. There is so much they need to learn and so much they do not even know!
Do My people now know what a blessing it is for them that My Father has allowed Me to teach them once again?
The time shall pass-day by day-until they realize this gift has been taught by Me. Pray when that time comes it is not too late!