Monday Truth in Deep Love🤗❤️🙏
“My people have known one way for so long, it is time for them to look within and to allow peace to dwell there. Peace of the world comes from peace within. Peace is harmony and union with the self, the soul.”(From Jesus to Gianna below)
One doesn’t have to scroll very far through Facebook to realize that most of the population really doesn’t get out much. We prefer to repeat prescribed media crafted narratives ad nauseam that carry little basis in truth or fact, and drive ourselves half crazy as we obsess over half truths and repeat propaganda that leads ourselves and others to dark places whether it be willingly or not. Our egos lead us to “speak” when “listening” is how we learn. We try to be a “voice of authority and wisdom,” when we really should be removing ourselves from all that is not of God, and listening to His Voice, for as archaic as they often seem, the scriptures which carry His Word, do in fact hold the keys to His Truth, if we only but allow ourselves to view them in “worldly context,” that we might understand where and how we’re failing as a society. And we as a society, have not only led ourselves right back into Sodom and Gomorrah, we fight, bicker and argue for the “right” to remain there, even though our promiscuity is pretty much the cause of every social disorder in which we suffer. I’m just as much, if not more to blame for this, as my own past sins have led me to lead others astray, and pretty near everything we watch on TV involves some kind of “quest to get laid.” And even we as devout Christians cheer this behavior on. It’s the “elephant in the room” that both “parties” tend to ignore, because who wants to “rock that boat.”
We also get too wrapped up in everyone’s “feelings,” as we become enablers of sin, and pretend to be virtuous as society collapses around us because we avoid truth like plague. We allow ourselves to hide behind a narrative, rather than to draw ourselves closer to God, where eternal peace does in fact lie in His Truth if we only but keep ourselves close to Him, that He might keep us aligned and in check, that we might actually “go out and sin no more,” as Jesus instructs us in John 8:11. Yet sin we do.
How do we “turn off society” and immerse ourselves in Him? I, personally, give Him my full attention for about three hours a day, whether it be through writing, prayer, or some form of service to Him. Those “three hours,” while not enough to keep my soul in the “peaceful state” that I desire, do give me a “platform” in a sense, that grounds me, hopefully suspends my ego, and carries me to a place of deeper inner peace than where I was before. To hang out with prayerful friends, as so many of you are, for even those of us who dwell in poverty have much to teach us, for they are often way closer to God than those of us who often “fake it” through life, bolstered in the material sense, but compromised in the spiritual sense.
“Peace within” can only come from “worldly detachment,” and the only place to rest once we “detach,” is in Him, and in His Truth. Truth that we must not only speak, but truth that we must live, because if we’re talking it without walking it, we render nothing but lies.
Our Lord tells Gianna below-
“If you sin, mourn in sorrow. A humble heart and act of contrition will bear the hope of forgiveness. You regain the grace, once lost, and are enveloped in My holy, loving em-brace. Do not allow demons of guilt, bitterness, self pity to overpower you.”
Humility will ultimately take us there. Ridding ourselves of ego can be hard work, and I’m still very much a novice in this, for I still allow society to poke, prod, and influence me way more than I should. I hope and pray that my awareness at least helps me to get there. To the place of peace, that might allow myself and those I touch, to keep our souls all in and totally His, for He is the Prince of Peace. There is no peace, without Him.❤️🙏
(Reflection by Kenny Meek)
Message from Jesus to Gianna Talone Sullivan, I am Your Jesus of Mercy Vol IV
My dear one, day by day, as you focus on My love within you and the love you exhibit in love of Me, you will embrace peace, and peace will become your way.
Each day I invite My people to connect with their feelings. I invite them to feel their own feelings, and then, to grasp My love, which is the backbone to any advancement in their development.
My love is with you, and without emotion in your being!
Therefore, if you look within to meet your feelings, you can motivate them positively to do good. The core of love is faith, and faith is not a feeling. It is a commitment. Peace comes into existence when you are in union and harmony with yourself in My love.
My people have known one way for so long, it is time for them to look within and to allow peace to dwell there. Peace of the world comes from peace within. Peace is harmony and union with the self, the soul.
I grace My people with feelings, and My grace is a precious gem. You must put aside anything that would stand in the way of My grace. Seek the quiet for My love to dwell, a place for yourself in which you keep focused on your feelings and direct them in a loving, healing, powerful way. This is where freedom exists. Confidence in God, through My love, solidifies the stance of your identity in Him!
If you sin, mourn in sorrow. A humble heart and act of contrition will bear the hope of forgiveness. You regain the grace, once lost, and are enveloped in My holy, loving embrace. Do not allow demons of guilt, bitterness, self pity to overpower you. You are My creation, and in you dwells My love and My peace. All you need do is recognize My love, My peace and embrace Me through love and union of yourself in Me. It is not as difficult as you think.
It is self pity to think, ‘I will never experience God’s love.’ Not so! Not so! You have My power, if I dwell in you. Put aside these falsehoods of your created self conscience, and live in the true consciousness of your being in Me. There You will find the abyss of UNION AND THE PEACE OF LOVE.
Take the time now to change your ways of deception. You need time to change a way of life. You knew no other! Do not wait for wonders of heaven and hope you will one day just wake up!! You are given the grace. I am with you to support you, to help you face the illusions of interpersonal fears; but I give you the authority to make the decision to end the confusion of your troubled hearts, and turn them into hearts of self-unity in My love! Make the choice and commence the walk. My door is open. Now you must walk through it. Healing is but a step away.
Peace and love. Ad Deum.