Monday Truth in Deep Love🤗❤️🙏

“Come to Me, My people! Trust in Me, and do not fear. MAN IS MAN’S ENEMY! Put your trust in the Word, not in man! If you trust in the Word and the man who lives in the Word, you will both share in comfort and peace by jointly trusting in the Word! This allows you to trust in your brethren.”(From Jesus to Gianna below)

Jesus doesn’t, and never will call us to a place of fear. He doesn’t call us to “watch the news,” and to share divisive political memes, or to immerse ourselves in hateful propaganda, as though we have some sort of “inside knowledge” that those who disagree with us have somehow “missed” in their own journeys.
Jesus calls us to remove ourselves from the “bought and paid for” aspects of society, and to come fully into His service through love. He calls us to place ourselves at the foot of His Cross, to die unto ourselves, and to reject the things of the ego that society places before us. He calls us to a life of devotion and prayer. To allow Him to draw us fully and firmly into His Light, that every soul we touch might also come to Him.
Every single one of us tends to lean towards a “propaganda flavor” of choice, especially here in America where our political systems have been entirely hijacked by money and special interests. We fall into the trap of fear and hate mongering, as so much is cast upon us that is not only patently untrue, but we allow ourselves to be purveyors of untruth simply because we listen to the world at the expense of The Word, which calls us to humility, immersion in God’s Truth, and most of all, deep love.
Jesus calls us to a level of love that draws us in completely, that He might guide every soul we touch along with us into His Light, that we might remain all in, and totally His for the remainder of our time on earth.
Jesus calls us to live as He lived, and still lives in us, and to pray as He prayed, that we might live as one Body, through, with and in Him. Most of all, He calls us to faith, hope, and love, the greatest of which is love. Every opinion we render out there that is not of Him bolsters and supports the evil one, and he already gets way too much “air time” in our lives as we aid and abet him in his destructive ways.
We have to remember as we walk through this life, that fear is not of Him, and Love is always of Him. To stay immersed in The Word as we walk through the world, for only through His Word, can we walk in His Light that others might follow. To keep His Heavenly Kingdom at the forefront of all things. And to remember that if it isn’t love, it is not of Him. May our mission in life be love always, for that is all we get to take with us when we leave here. And leave here we will. Sooner than we think.❤️🙏
(Reflection by Kenny Meek)

Message from Jesus to Gianna Talone Sullivan, I am Your Jesus of Mercy Vol II
FEBRUARY 6, 1990
My dear child, today there is a great deal I wish to make known to My people. I do not keep the truth from My people.
I am a dignified God Who gives and listens! My words are made known, not as secrets, but as justification for worthiness.
Throughout the ages I selectively chose My words to My people, for their unworthiness did not justify them to hear or know the Word. Then the blood from the Word became their redemption! Today, unworthiness prevents total knowledge of My Word, but I have granted to all who desire to know the Word, to come with open hearts and minds.
I am not a secretive God! Secrets are secrets, but My words are for all who desire them in order to cleanse themselves.
All who acknowledge Me will follow My ways, My word.
All who follow the Word, are justified in worthiness in the sight of the Father. All who are worthy of Me, will carry their cross (whether it be illness, heroism, finances, renunciation, mourning, spiritual depression or sadness) with resignation and acceptance, for it is by the will of God that their cross is given!
Today, there are many who would like to know the Word of God, but only a minimal amount will actually acknowledge the Word by following and practicing His Way! The Word is not secret. All who know the Word, know His secrets; however, there are few who know Him!
I have told you that all who accept you, My prophet, My disciple, accept Me, for I live in you and We are one in the Father. Those who accept a prophet are prophets themselves, for the like know each other and are one in the Spirit of My Father. Those who accept My chosen disciples are also disci-ples, for they are of the same Shepherd! If you acknowledge a just man, you also are a just man. If you acknowledge and accept the evil one, you are of dark spirit! What you choose to acknowledge by faith is what you are! If you wish to come with Me, know My word and acknowledge Me by following My word. If you wish to go the evil way, then I shall allow you to bite into darkness and know the deceit of the evil one’s words!
I am telling My people, child, that all who desire goodness need only come to Me. Once they come to Me by asking Me to live in them, no danger of eternal darkness can possess them. All who desire darkness will be granted it. But all who remain with Me cannot be possessed and need not be afraid.
All who do not desire Me nor invite My protection are prey!
Come to Me, My people! Trust in Me, and do not fear.
MAN IS MAN’S ENEMY! Put your trust in the Word, not in man! If you trust in the Word and the man who lives in the Word, you will both share in comfort and peace by jointly trusting in the Word! This allows you to trust in your brethren.
You say, ‘profound, child. I say, ‘simply the truth!’ Put all your trust in Me. Show Me your trust by fully living in your faith. Do not allow even your closest relative to steer you away from Me! If you choose your mother, your father, siblings or children over Me, then you have not chosen Me!
I must be all of you, or I can be none of you. If I am all of who you are, then those you love are embraced by divine serenity, protection, peace and dignity. Remember, I have come into the world to divide the good from the bad.
ALL WHO DESIRE ME, COME FORWARD! Say, ‘yes’ to Me, and invite Me into your heart before it is too late, and you have been bitten by the evil one! Divine protection rests in Me. Won’t you, please, come and rest in My heart of peace?
Come to eternity. Come to eternal peace. Come into My Heart!
Ad Deum, child. (Ad Deum is explained by Jesus to me as, ‘Back to God I return!’)