Wednesday Truth in Deep Love🤗❤️🙏
“Tell My people to be aware of their gifts and to use them. All must use their different and separate gifts in order for the vine to bloom.”(From Jesus to Gianna below)
I think many of us go to church to “get saved,” yet I think the point of going is more to prepare us to be “sent forth,” that we might facilitate the salvation of others. For us Catholics who attend “Mass,” which derives from “missa,” or “mission,” and means “sending forth,” we should hopefully train our minds to think like that, and to realize that we’re there to attain the “power of the Holy Spirit” to get “charged up,” that we might be prepared to go out and “heal the sick,” and to let everyone in the “world” know how loved they are in the deepest spiritual sense when we do encounter them. It should be the same with Protestant churches, but I’m not sure that message really gets emphasized through all denominations. Some more than others I’m sure.
Nevertheless, Jesus doesn’t call us for the salvation of the “self,” but to die to the “self” that we might show others deep love through sacrifice.
If we think in terms of the original 12 disciples, and how Christianity has grown through the acts of the original 12 to what it is today, it’s pretty evident that the “ripple effect” their mission had on the world was, and still is, beyond powerful. While the bureaucracies that run the churches are far from perfect, the spirit of the people contained therein has carried that mission a long way over the past two millennia, and it’s up to each and every one of us to hopefully see that mission through without blemish.
One of my favorite “recessional hymns” at church comes from Psalm 117, “Go out go out, to all the world, share the good good news.” While we have plenty of great recessional hymns, that one gives “instruction” like no other, that we might leave that place filled with the spirit, to be sent forth, that every soul we touch has the opportunity to live a life that’s all in, and totally His. I pray that we make it so. For His Glory.❤️🙏
(Reflection by Kenny Meek)
Message from Jesus to Gianna Talone Sullivan, I am Your Jesus of Mercy Vol III
AUGUST 4, 1990
My dear one, I grant My people the gift of life and I watch over them. What do My people do with the gifts I have given them? Many take for granted that their present life is a gift from Me, until their days are numbered! When they realize that their earthly life is near end, it frightens them because they do not know what it means to have eternal life, or if they will achieve it.
I tell My people to use and nourish their present life to its fullest potential in the glory of God, and they will have eternal life. However, there are many who are not only ungrateful, but wonder why others have it far better than they!
Do not My people realize that they ridicule and hurt My Father when they do not love themselves and use the gifts given to them by Him? Every gift, which is given, belongs to My Father to be used in His Glory, for He shares His gifts with His people. By right, if the gifts belong to Him, then He can take the gifts away when He deems fit because it never belonged to them to begin with. My people do not see that their life alone is a gift, for many abuse the gift of their life and do not appreciate it. This is evident from their lack of love for themselves.
I am the God Who gives life, not takes away. I wish to see all blossom into the ripe fruit on My vine, not to fall from the vine. Tell My people to be aware of their gifts and to use them. All must use their different and separate gifts in order for the vine to bloom. Remember the parable of the vine I told you. Do not allow the roots of evil to suffocate the vine, or the leaves will not blossom!
Be grateful for your life, My dear people. Live a joyful, productive and peaceful life, so that your gifts will blossom, mature, and grant you eternal life. Bless you all, and peace to you this day in which My mercy flows.