Monday Truth in Deep Love🤗❤️🙏

“By giving Me your heart, you will be trusting. If you trust in Me, you will live in peace and harmony all the hours of your life. I gave My heart to you when I died for you. Give Me your heart, and live in My peace.”(From Jesus to Gianna below)

“Whom will I get to love today?”
I don’t consciously ask myself that every morning, although it should become a mantra as I go out the door, as the anticipation does bring excitement and energy.
I think most of us tend to be “programmed” to make everything about ourselves, whether it be our need to get somewhere in traffic, or to get through the line at the grocery store. We become impatient with those around us, especially our families and friends, and create unnecessary tension around us for no other reason than we’re just forgetting why we’re here and Whom we serve. Our egos take over and our hearts and souls miss out on the opportunities that God gives us to bring light to the people we touch, whether it be in the physical or virtual sense.
“Whom will I get to love today.”
I’m typing it again so hopefully it will have the power to stick with me whether in greeting my first customer, or greeting the person who’s serving me as a customer. Maybe I can even have it on my heart when I get cut off in traffic, and resist the temptation to “raise a finger,” which happens way more often than I care to admit.
“Whom will I get to love today?”
Hopefully Jesus first, because if we keep our hearts and souls “all in and totally His,” all else will fall into place. It’s a brand new day, and a brand new week, and opportunities to love are everywhere. May we keep Jesus close as we give our hearts, and remember who loves us, as we give all to Him and remain through, with and in Him, as we walk each other through this world. In perfect love.❤️🙏
(Reflection by Kenny Meek)

Message from Jesus to Gianna Talone Sullivan, I am Your Jesus of Mercy
DECEMBER 9, 1988
My child, the lesson is this: GIVE ME YOUR HEART, AND I WILL GIVE YOU MINE!
By giving Me your heart, you will be trusting. If you trust in Me, you will live in peace and harmony all the hours of your life. I gave My heart to you when I died for you. Give Me your heart, and live in My peace.
Do not despair, do not panic. I have come to save you.
My childen: My love for you is so great!
My Kingdom is yours, should you desire it!
I have given My life for you!
There is nothing I would keep from you… nothing!
You must go now. I am here! I dwell in you!