Sunday Truth in Deep Love🤗❤️🙏

“There are few people who are grateful today, because they are continuously searching for happiness. I wish to make them happy! If they would give Me their hearts, I would comfort them. It is because of their free will that I will not infringe upon them!”(From Jesus to Gianna below)

There are people out there who will spend their entire lives in a state of ingratitude. They spend their lives as “social victims,” or enabling social victims, garnering attention every time there’s an event that casts them into a state of non utopia, and “skew facts” to give the appearance that there’s no way they have an equal shot in our society because the “cards” are somehow stacked against them. Then there are also enablers who will go so far as to leverage that ingratitude into a political platform, and we enter a state of “ingratitude en masse,” in order to bolster the collective ego, and attain social power and relevance. Rather than celebrate wins, and fight injustice where it actually lies, they use their ingratitude to foment social division, using half truths to create unnecessary chaos. Rather than pull themselves up from the ashes, they prefer to pull society down with them.
There are also entities out there on the ground doing lots of good. They’re getting their hands dirty, feeding the poor, helping others and fighting injustice where it lies, rather than sitting around “having conversations” where half truths will emerge thereby fomenting more chaos than there was before they begin their “conversation.”
We can all be inclined towards this type of behavior, especially as children when we don’t “get our way,” but at some point we need to look forward. We need to ask God to help us see our “end game,” and ask ourselves if we’re actually working towards solutions, or merely talking in an echo chamber to “appease our own ego.”
I think we’re all guilty of both kinds of behavior, but God doesn’t call us to render our opinions about things, as His Word is already in place to be followed. He calls us to serve in love. To “heal the sick, and cleanse the leper,” and if you’re busy helping people, you can’t be doing wrong. I had a teacher who’s favorite line went “Idle hands create idle minds, and idle minds create trouble.” Too much talk and lack of action may not always create an “idle” mind, but without tangible substance, can definitely create a mind that’s devoid of truth or substance as we influence others with our being.
I find that when service in love is taking place, gratitude will always follow, as opposed to “conversations,” which lead is down theoretical wormholes laden with half truths. “A little less talk and a lot more action,” as the old adage and the Toby Keith song go. Talk is cheap, but action is eternal. With love comes gratitude, and examples of gratitude can be contagious. There’s no way we can spread light and truth without gratitude in service in love.
May we steer clear of the “talkers,” and walk with the doers, as we go forth on this Sunday with gratitude. Bringing others into His Light with our light, that we might remain all in, and totally His. In perfect love.❤️🙏
(Reflection by Kenny Meek)

Message from Jesus to Gianna Talone Sullivan, I am Your Jesus of Mercy
DECEMBER 26, 1988
My people have so much for which to be grateful. I have told them that they will share in My Glory and Divinity. If My people would begin realizing their gifts by searching within, instead of searching without, they would live with gratitude and share in My Glory.
It is a gracious and peaceful life if you are grateful for the many gifts you have and notice them in yourself. It is a gratitude which flows over to My Father and it is He Who replenishes you.
There are few people who are grateful today, because they are continuously searching for happiness. I wish to make them happy! If they would give Me their hearts, I would comfort them. It is because of their free will that I will not infringe upon them!
It is I Who respects them, but it is also I Who weeps for them! It is I Who has the treasures of life and wish them to overflow on to you.
It begins with gratitude… being grateful, and searching for your inner gifts. My people will never be happy if they continue to search for gifts of momentary pleasure.
I have your gifts of eternal happiness! Simply open your hearts so that you may receive them! By living with gratitude, you shall receive gratitude. I do not mislead My people. It is they, who wish to be misguided by searching for other sources of happiness. This is a lesson for you on gratitude. It is sim-ple. Open your hearts and be grateful! I, your Lord, will overfill you with such happiness, you will never need to search again!
It begins with open hearts to Me, and it never ends… in the comforts of My Kingdom’s peace and happiness.