Friday Truth in Deep Love🤗❤️🙏

“Take each day as I have prepared it for you. Do not allow your vivid and vain imaginations to cause you grief. Live in Me in each moment.
Do not run ahead. Offer to Me your hearts and souls daily, and you shall be recompensed. I shall give you the strength to carry on, but do not grieve for what man has done. Focus on your souls and My Father’s great love for you!”(From Jesus to Gianna below)

Life on earth is short, and not a single one of us is getting out of here alive in the earthly sense. And we’re leaving here sooner than we think, so how are we going to use the time God has in fact given us?
God calls all of us us to ministries of love through our grief, for we will all go through it on some level. I often observe a correlation between intensity of grief and the power and relevance of these ministries of love, as so many of you have risen through the ashes of your pain so that the pain of others can be softened, and through this we heal. Particularly those who have lost children, as there is no greater loss. Imagine the grief that Mary once suffered, yet she lives on and guides us back to Her son in a way that no other mother can. And so many of you emulate that love beautifully. Others tend to waller in that grief, and use that pain for unhealthy attention, and never quite live the remainder of their lives as God has called us to do. I pray that He has mercy on our souls, as He will hold us as we rise from those ashes, but whether we choose to rise or stay fallen is on us.
Jesus has the power to heal us, but to be healed by Him, we have to live in Him. We not only have to live in Him, we also have to draw others to Him, and reflect His Light for others to see that they might also find Him.
Many of the most powerful ministries out here are built out of addiction and death. Ministries of “recovery,” which is a term somewhat new to me, but there’s a lot of them around. They are very powerful sources of love, and if we can’t create one, it might behoove us to join one.
The choice is ours as His Heavenly Kingdom awaits us. I pray that each of us finds the fortitude to rise as He did, and follow Him Home, and bring all who are willing with us, so that we might remain all in, and totally His. It’s all about the love.❤️🙏
(Reflection by Kenny Meek)

Message from Jesus to Gianna Talone Sullivan, I am Your Jesus of Mercy Vol II
OCTOBER 12, 1989
My people grieve over their current situations, yet they do not grieve over their souls. Their focal point, once again, is placed on the wrong subject.
I do not wish for My people to grieve, but they do not listen. They are so consumed with their problems that only confusion exists, which leads to additional grief.
I tell you, as I wish to tell My people, when someone is grieving, do not take on the burden and also grieve with them or for them! Pray for their peace and be compassionate. Support them spiritually and morally, but do not take on their grief. Be concerned and attentive to the status of your own soul, and never loose your focus from My Father. Love Him in good times and in bad times!
Sadly, many of My people must experience grief before they will surrender unto Me! If I did not love their souls and them, dearly, I would not care for them and would allow them to fall.
Remember, I, your Lord, know man’s heart and know exactly what each soul requires to obtain ultimate bliss.
Many of My righteous people grieve from the effects that man creates and infringes upon them. Unfortunately, again, they grieve for the effects man has caused. They lose their focal point. My point of this lesson is to awaken those who grieve.
Do not grieve for an event that happens in your life, or your focus is no longer on Me! Will not your Lord, God; care for you? Do you trust in Me? If you wish to grieve, then grieve for the condition of your souls, but not for what your fellow brethren has caused!
Take each day as I have prepared it for you.
Do not allow your vivid and vain imaginations to cause you grief.
Live in Me in each moment.
Do not run ahead.
Offer to Me your hearts and souls daily, and you shall be recompensed.
I shall give you the strength to carry on, but do not grieve for what man has done.
Focus on your souls and My Father’s great love for you!