Sunday Truth in Deep Love🤗❤️🙏
“Tame this vice of pride now! I am not only speaking to you, but to all My people. You are no different than they are. The human vices need to be tamed. How shrewd the subconscious to deceive you to experience self-pity and need for acceptance and praise of your graces! Put aside these harmful thoughts and continue to simply live quietly in My love.”(From Jesus to Gianna below)
Jesus didn’t die and resurrect so that we could celebrate “pride.” Im not saying this to “bash gay people,” or any other oppressed factions, as they(you) do often face trials that the rest of us fall short of understanding. He took death upon Himself that we might also learn to humble ourselves, that when we do fall, we might resurrect in a state of humility that gives all Glory to.God the Father just as He did.
I might be the person typing this, but it’s a lesson I need myself as much as anyone, as there are some serious “bullies” in my world who wreak much havoc, and I feel like they should be “tamed” for the betterment of all those around them. The desire for confrontation is real, and often occupies my consciousness in a way that almost feels demonic. The desire for “justice,” and to condemn others for our own self satisfaction when we witness hubristic unfairness in and towards the people in our lives. Especially those we love.
How do we suspend or egos that we might encounter the “bully” from a place of humility and love as Jesus did? How do we truly fall at the “foot of the cross,” and retain our humility in the face of gross injustice? How do we love someone when every aspect of our being wants to “slap them silly?”
I don’t have a solid answer or answers to this, but I do know that if I pray about it, and pray a lot, God usually finds a way to humble me that I might approach each situation from a place of humility and kindness that overrides my more “barbaric” instincts. The “instincts” that bestow upon me a sense of “pride,” and judgment that isn’t mine, but is only God’s to render.
We have to remember that Jesus died for every one of us, especially and including “the bully.” And if we keep our hearts and souls deeply in prayer, and ask for illumination of our own soul that we might see ourselves from a more humble place, we might have a more fruitful encounter that lets the “bully” know His love as well. I think most of us do have a “bully” in us that we need to recognize, and God does tend to have ways of showing us that bully if we remain open to Him, and open to the growth He has in His plan for us. We are, and will be “works in progress” until the day we leave this earth. I pray that we can all keep ourselves in a place of alignment and atonement with His Will as we go forth in love, that every soul we encounter might find their way to living a life that’s all in, and totally His. Love will always be the answer, and will prevail, if we but stay the course.❤️🙏
(Reflection by Kenny Meek)
Message from Jesus to Gianna Talone Sullivan, I am Your Jesus of Mercy Vol IV
My dear one, because you do not see your interior growth
being relayed to your exterior actions, does not mean that other people do not see your growth. It is the same, not only for you, but all My people. Remember, you are blind to many things of yourself, and what I do outwardly through you may not be noticed according to either your understanding or expectations. This, however, does not mean that My works through you go unnoticed.
When you grow slowly, it is difficult to see the change at once. Also, this is for your humility. The vices of the flesh need taming; and the worst vice, that of pride, is the most poisonous and the most difficult to tame! It is not as important for you to see the change as it is for you to be open, to be a vessel of love!
“When you are in the forest, it is hard to see the trees.” It is the same with spiritual growth. My people should not focus on where they are in their journey because selfish vanity can develop. They should, rather, seek the journey lived by My Saints as a guide to assist them in identifying the path.
Why is it so necessary for you to know the great works I do through you? When you are totally empty is when you shall know; but by that point, you will not desire to know.
Tame this vice of pride now! I am not only speaking to you, but to all My people. You are no different than they are. The human vices need to be tamed. How shrewd the subconscious to deceive you to experience self-pity and need for acceptance and praise of your graces! Put aside these harmful thoughts and continue to simply live quietly in My love.
There is nothing you could say that I could not say without you! There is nothing you could do that I could not do without you. I molded you. I gave you the words to speak. I gave you the gift of knowledge. I gave you the strength and wisdom to succeed. So, as you receive, give back to me what is mine.
But also remember My love for you, and that I need you because I came for you! I was broken for you, and so much desire your happiness and love. So, see My teachings, not as a reprimand, but as encouragement to face your vices and to surrender even more unto Me, that I may clean you and make you pure of your human vices of the flesh. I will replace them with the spiritual virtues of heaven.
I regret to have exposed you, child, to your own inadequate vices for the sake of My people, but My people shall come first, and you shall be last. For I will NOT let one of My lambs be lost. The gems of My heart shall shine, and each, in their own beauty and rarity, have a priceless value!