Friday Truth in Deep Love🤗❤️🙏

“Those who are the first to speak negatively and judge their fellow brethren are the last to notice the truth of their inner conflict inflicted upon themselves! Silence is your shield and love is your weapon against all who persecute.”(From Jesus to Gianna below)

“Practicing the pause.” How much better would our lives be if we all put this practice into practice? To work things out in our hearts, souls, and minds before we affect others in a negative way by saying something we might regret in the long run.
It’s much easier to “practice that pause” in writing, yet we so often fail to do that too, as we hit that “send” button from a place of anger. Our egos, and our self preservation instincts kick in, and the damage is done.
We, as a culture, now a few decades into this internet thing, should be getting better about this, as we keep doing the same thing over and over again expecting a more positive result, yet “we” don’t. We’ve reached a place in our society where so much misinformation that’s fed to us renders debate futile, yet somehow our egos just have that need to pick a “narrative” that appeases our sensibilities, and we feel the need to fight for that narrative, regardless of how many half truths are imbedded therein.
Our ideologies have become so polarized by those who control politics and media, that we become hate and fear mongers simply by identifying with them yet “identitify” with them we do. And we hurl memes, talk trash, and foment division just by being ourselves. This is why I have little to no desire to attend my class reunion this year. Just too many of those out there with whom I have less than zero interest in conversing. I just don’t want to be around some of you, and I’m sure there are some who don’t want to be around me as well, as I’ve failed in this aspect many times.
Now the meme here says “calmness is a human super power,” but I think as humans it behooves us to tap into the devine, for Jesus, if we remain close, and place ourselves at the foot of the cross where He so humbly died for us, provides a place for us to draw love. To turn our frustrations into assets through the humility which He imbues upon us as we draw ourselves closer through prayer and devotion. If we’re working with Jesus our message will always be one of love. And sometimes we have to maintain boundaries and keep our circles managed merely to stay out of the “hate zone,” as that “hate zone” has become so prevalent in our society.
I pray that we, me included, can find our way to Him that we walk this earth in His Light and cast away the fear that’s so prevalent in our society, that we might remain all in, and totally His.❤️🙏
(Reflection by Kenny Meek)

Message from Jesus to Gianna Talone Sullivan, I am Your Jesus of Mercy Vol III
JUNE 13, 1990
My dear child, do not be moved by the sayings of men, for the Kingdom of God is not in speech, but in power. Attend to the sayings I teach you, to enlighten your heart and refresh your mind. My words excite in you and inflame in you consolation. I am He, the Master of all masters, Who teaches men knowledge. I am He Who gives more clear understanding to My dear ones than what can be taught by man. Those to whom I speak are quickly wise, and grow in My Spirit.
I teach sincerity and honesty. I teach without the noise of words; without contention of arguments; without the differences and confusion of opinions.
I teach to despise earthly desires, and to seek eternal life and relish it. I teach to be strong and to endure scandals, and to desire nothing of Me but to ardently love Me.
The time will come when I, the Lord of all lords and Master of all masters, shall come to examine the consciences of mankind; to bring to light the hidden darkness and to silence all arguments! I tell you that those who love Me entirely will learn the Divine Truth. For you, a certain person of My Divine Mercy, have learned Divine things and speak wonders because you love Me entirely.
Seek not, by profiting in study, to be more wise or learned by books. Know that whatever source of knowledge you learn always returns to One Source of knowledge, One Beginning.
I teach the humble mind many times greater than any source of reference taught by man. Only I can elevate the mind to comprehension! The voice of books is the same, but it teaches you differently. Only I am the teacher of truth. I am the Discerner of thoughts and the Searcher of hearts, and only I give to all what I judge is fitting and appropriate.
I see the incentives of each one’s heart, and discern their action. I give to some more than to others. To some are revealed the light of My mysteries. Some receive common knowledge; some I appear to in signs. I speak to all, some in more particular ways than others and differently, based on the graces I deem fit.
Know that I am true peace, and the sayings of men cannot harm your soul, if you live in Me! My peace results in a state of being which justifies you, and the sound of words can only echo as in a canyon without substance. Those who are the first to speak negatively and judge their fellow brethren are the last to notice the truth of their inner conflict inflicted upon themselves!
Silence is your shield and love is your weapon against all who persecute. Peace, My dear one! This is your lesson for My people this day. Ad Deum.