Tuesday Truth in Deep Love🤗❤️🙏

“As you eliminate the vanities of the world and focus totally on Me, the more I draw you and soak you into My fertile soil which germinates the light of life!”(From Jesus to Gianna below)

“God is love”-1 John 4:8

“God is love” is one of the first Bible verses I learned as a kid, yet somehow the world has used His Name in vain for so many things that are far from the idea of love. We’ve levered it for our own economic and political gain, we’ve used it to bolster our own egos at the expense of others, and we’ve even used it to start war with other cultures, none of which Jesus has ever, or will ever endorse.
Jesus has never called us to fame, fortune, or personal gain, and His final act of salvation should certainly never indicate to any of us that he has. He calls us to heal the sick, feed the poor, clothe the naked, and to love. Yet we gossip, adorn ourselves with lavish surroundings, and despise each other for buying into narratives and fear mongering that are not of Him.
There are so many sad souls out there who won’t look us in the eye because they’re afraid. Afraid of stepping out of a human designed “comfort zone” they’ve created for themselves that limit them in their ability or desire to love or to serve. Yet Jesus calls every single soul out there to love and to serve. Somehow we need to instill the desire to serve without judgment in others. To show them how it feels to pour God’s love on others with no agenda. To allow divine love to pour from the cores of our souls that will instill the desire upon everyone we touch to be a part of it. To allow God to “illuminate us,” that we might see each soul as He does, and love them accordingly. To cast out our ego, and to allow His Love to flow through us, to them and back again, that we all might walk each other in peace and solidarity, and remain all in, and totally His, from every earthly moment into eternity. Love is all that will ever matter. May we be that love, as we “walk each other Home.”❤️🙏
(Reflection by Kenny Meek)

Message from Jesus to Gianna Talone Sullivan, I am Your Jesus of Mercy Vol III
NOVEMBER 15, 1990
My dear child, there are many souls whom I have chosen to illuminate the earth with My goodness. The brighter the soul, the more in union it is with Me, and the farther it illuminates across the earth! As you eliminate the vanities of the world and focus totally on Me, the more I draw you and soak you into My fertile soil which germinates the light of life! Know that those who are closest to you may not notice the illumination of your soul because I may desire to keep it hidden. Yet, there may be other people across the world who will experience My warmth and love through the brilliance of the light of your soul because I have desired it so.
That is for all My people to know.
As I join them in union with Me, their souls will illuminate.
As you become so absorbed in My love, all extraordinary experiences of divine nature become ordinary experiences because of the unity which exists spiritually. Silently, gently, delicately and oh-so-tenderly is the way I work on the vast, many souls. All those who say yes, and desire Me through their acceptance and openness, shall not be denied, but granted the hand of God’s direction. It is when you acquire unity that the soul is elated and is graced with illumination. It is possible for all My people. There may be the few I have chosen as an example for the world, but this does not mean that they are the select, for all may be granted this grace. It means that if it is possible for a few, it is most certainly possible for all. The few who are used as an example pass on their illuminated grace to ALL the world by planting My seed in the fertile soil of their heart. Then the few become many, and the result is an all-encompassing illuminated world filled with joy, peace and the bliss of salvation.
Therefore, never think that My work goes unnoticed. It remains hidden when I desire it to, and is revealed when I desire! The Will of God will be done! Even in the most wretched of sinners, the Will of God is accomplished. Notice, man does not have control; he only lives with the false illusion that
he does. It is when he comes to Me admitting his weakness and imperfections, totally powerless, will he experience an infused strength and inner peace. I then unite My strength to his! The soul then commences in the journey of light until it unites with its Master in an encompassing brilliance of illumination, the union with God!
Bless you, My child, and know the light never extinguishes once the soul is in union with God.