Sunday Truth in Deep Love❤️🤗🙏
“I wish for all to know that it is not in the perfections of the soul I love, but in the imperfections! This is where you become holy, through your imperfections. The grace comes from Me. Once you name the sin and accept it, I give My grace of healing.”(From Jesus to Gianna below)
When I go to Wal Mart or the drug store, it’s pretty evident that the “vanity items,” the cosmetics have all the security cameras and alarms on them. Not the true necessities like ibuprofen and Tylenol, or even food. Is this a reflection of the typical human mindset? That our “appearance” is more important than our health or our well being?
We become obsessed with “hiding” our perceived imperfections, when in reality we’re only catering to shallow people, as people who come from a place of love tend to be aware that “imperfections “ are not necessarily a bad thing. They’re reflections of our uniqueness, and if we’re going to be truly intimate with each other, we embrace each other’s “imperfections,”whether they be physical or mental, and if those imperfections hinder us on some level other than one of vanity, we help each other either overcome them, or to live with them, but from a place of love. Pointing, laughing, and gossiping about each other pulls us far into an adverse direction, and says way more about ourselves than those whom we happen to be chastising.
Very few of us “look good” naked, yet how do we approach our spouses from a place of intimacy when we either don’t want to see them naked, or they don’t want to see us naked? Yet, it should be the “imperfections” we embrace, as that’s what intimacy is about. When it’s just us and God, open and giving in a way that transcends earthy ideals.
We all love “cuteness,” that comes from imperfections, stumbling puppies, or baby ducklings, but we so often make our vanity such a part of our being, that no one ever knows who we truly are, including ourselves. All of us get “old and fat,” and marriage isn’t about how we look in an outfit from Frederick’s of Hollywood. It’s about whose diaper we may end up changing later in life, for changing diapers may in fact be one of the greater acts of human love. Whether it be our children, our parents, or our spouses, for there is nothing more humbling, especially later in life, than “pooping ourselves,” and we’re all going to do that at some point. We just have to hope that the person or persons helping us with that love us enough to do it from a place of empathy, and that we drop our vanity, and allow them to help us without apology, but with deep gratitude, for there isn’t a much greater form of love in the grand scheme of human contact.
Whether they be a part of ourselves, or others, Jesus not only knows our “imperfections,” he humbled Himself before all of human society, in spite of the fact that there was no tv for us to watch it on, as He gave Himself, naked and beaten, that we might place ourselves at the foot of His cross, in humility, that we might be able to at least humble ourselves a little as we pour His love on other souls. That we embrace, kiss, and acknowledge not only the imperfections of others, but our own, and that we allow love to flow through us and in us from all directions. That we allow Jesus to hold our hands, as we pour love on every soul we encounter. And that we “walk each other home” from the place of deepest love and humility, as we remain all in, and totally His.❤️🙏
(Reflection by Kenny Meek)
Message from Jesus to Gianna Talone Sullivan, I am Your Jesus of Mercy Vol IV
(St. Giovanni Basilica, Rome; 10/3/91)
My dear child, simply give to Me your love, and focus
only on Me. It is because of your imperfections in your love that I desire it so! Please, simply focus on Me.
The mysticism of My love stems from the imperfections of man, and because of the original sin. So many of My people are in need of inner healing from their brokenness and hidden love.
I wish for all to know that it is not in the perfections of the soul I love, but in the imperfections! This is where you become holy, through your imperfections. The grace comes from Me. Once you name the sin and accept it, I give My grace of healing.
The spirituality of your soul is a grace of My Spirit. I grace you with My intimacy. It is My desire that all My people understand that I do not wait for their love when they believe they are perfect. It is now I wait for their love in their imperfection!
When you believe you are perfect, I can assure you that you are distant. The pain My people have is because they deny their brokenness and do not accept the present condition of their being. They wish to control. When the situation does not go as desired – according to their plan – they then deny the situation and make circumstances to justify themselves with excuses!
It is necessary for My people to know that My Church consists of the imperfections of their being! These are the people in need of joy and peace. First, for them to recognize they are powerless and cannot control, they must accept the sin and not place guilt on themselves. The rest is a grace I give to them for healing.
Thank you, My dear one, for receiving My love and loving Me in your own brokenness. You, who so much need to love others first by loving yourself, I ask you to sit with Me and attend to Me by focusing on Me. In this way I can heal your very soul and give you My love, for you to love Me as I love you.
Bless you and receive My peace. You will see that now many will come in goodness of My mercy. Remember, I am overseeing your journey directly. Surrender unto Me like a little child. Peace. Ad Deum.