Friday Truth in Deep Love🤗❤️🙏
“Today I wish to express to My people My infinite love for them. I wish for them not to be discouraged with people who dictate through their authoritative manner and commands. Be loving anyway! Do not follow their error, but follow the way of My Mother. Listen more than speaking. Love, assist others, and pray for them. Do not attempt to debate or be combative if you disagree, but do not allow yourself to be influenced. Follow the way of My Mother.”(From Jesus to Gianna below)
I have to say I have a very hard time with people who crawl down what I call “doctrinal wormholes,” then denounce anyone or anything that doesn’t fit their brand of theology. There are entire sects that practice this kind of behavior, most of whom have never walked through the fires of refinement as they sit in “glass houses” and cast “authority” upon others. These are the kinds of people who had me totally turned off to “religion” in my young adulthood, as they pretend to dictate how the rest of us might be “cast into hell” or something if we don’t walk in lockstep with them. This kind of behavior doesn’t just come from fundamentalist Christians, but other brands of “faith,” or even “new age” thought, or “secular humanism,” as they fall into the trap of believing they are the “enlightened few.” It’s spiritual narcissism at best, and does nothing to grow God’s Kingdom as He has called us to do. It’s kind of funny and ironic that when I was a card carrying “secular humanist” leader, I didn’t think of “secular humanism” as a “religion,” but now I realize that it’s a religion that many of our allegedly “Christian” bodies, even the Catholic Church seem to be gravitating towards as they attempt to walk in lockstep with the rest of the world, and try to remain relevant.
There are even Catholic bodies close to me that practice this kind of bullying behavior, as it comes in all kinds of flavors and varieties. In Matthew 10:8, Jesus calls us to “heal the sick, raise the dead, cleanse those who have leprosy, and drive out demons.” He doesn’t tell us to drive people away with our ego, which many not only do, it’s something I’ve done myself, in both my former “secular humanist” capacity and my early walk in faith as I was pretty green to the ways of love as Jesus teaches, and trying to figure out what’s true, which I still am in many ways.
At the end of the day, and especially as we get closer to the end of our earthly lives, Jesus calls us to love. To walk in truth, to lead by example, but first and foremost, to love. Not to “cast stones,” or “throw bricks,” but to draw others closer that they might feel the love that will bring them to Him. If we walk in love, others will follow, and the better I do at this, the more I realize it’s true. I pray that we all find the love that Jesus has for us, that we might share it with every soul we touch, and that we usher each other into and through His Kingdom, that we might remain all in, and totally His.❤️🙏
(Reflection by Kenny Meek)
Message from Jesus to Gianna Talone Sullivan, I am Your Jesus of Mercy Vol IV
My dear one, My Mother and I are grateful for the work you do according to Our instructions, but ask now that you dive deeper into prayer. She will take you into My Most Sacred Heart. She takes all My people into My Sacred Heart, where My merciful love flows, who will allow Her and who are willing to give to Me all of their being.
Today I wish to express to My people My infinite love for them. I wish for them not to be discouraged with people who dictate through their authoritative manner and commands.
Be loving anyway! Do not follow their error, but follow the way of My Mother. Listen more than speaking. Love, assist others, and pray for them. Do not attempt to debate or be combative if you disagree, but do not allow yourself to be influenced. Follow the way of My Mother.
There are many who love Me, yet are accustomed to their way and try to persuade others to live the same. They forget that daily you must die to yourself in order that I may live in you and accomplish far greater works. Be open to the dictates of command, but do not allow it to influence you negatively.
Focus always on Me and follow the way of My Mother.
No matter who is difficult with you, exchanging harsh words or instructing you in a selfish, authoritative command, you can maintain peace and harmony within yourself, if you dive into a quiet prayer and never lose your focus. Do not allow people to influence you, even if you admire their ways.
Be yourself by following only Me! This way I can mold you into a beautiful creation in the eyes of My Father.
I love you, My dear one. I love you, My chosen people! I love you now and I will always love you. Never lose sight of the truth. Keep your eyes and heart fixed on Me. Follow the Way outlined in My gospel words. Remember, you live in a world of defect through sin and evilness, but I have conquered the world and died for your salvation.
In order that you follow a peaceful and harmonious life in Me, you need only to follow My simple instructions. That is to follow the way of My Mother. Listen to your fellow companions. Love them and assist them in need and pray for them. LISTEN, LOVE, ASSIST AND PRAY. And if you see error, do not be influenced. Yield to My love, My correction and receive My mercy through My Sacred Heart.
My Mother is the one who can lead you into this depth of My Merciful Heart. Pray for this grace so that you can dive into a deeper contemplative life. No matter what errand or job you do, you can focus in prayer, in love of Me; and live a life of forgiveness of others and harmony through mercy; following the steps through the grace bestowed upon you to listen, love, assist and pray for all. It will relieve your mind of business, and will inflame your heart with a greater desire to serve and live in joy and unity.
My blessings and My peace. Allow Me now to rest in your heart of love for Me. Ad Deum.