Wednesday Truth in Deep Love🤗❤️🙏

“It is necessary to take special care of yourself interiorly. Work at being calm, and see that you remain focused on My love. In this way, the words of others will not take offense in you but will only be words. Why do you let the words of others affect you so? It is because you are still of this world and have not given yourself to Me.”(From Jesus to Gianna below)

People in our lives are going to make ridiculous utterances. Whether it’s repeating propaganda they’ve read, the media itself, or people in our own proximity merely trying to bolster their own ego at the expense of some personal truth, there’s almost always something “sticking in my craw” for the mere reason that it’s unresolved untruth, and there’s usually nothing I can do about it. At least not without making matters worse, and embarrassing myself, rather than embarrassing the one who made such an utterance.
There are personal false narratives, and institutional false narratives that we’re all immersed in, as we no longer have credible media or political parties. Not that we ever did, but the situation has only gotten worse as the power struggle between evil vs evil grows exponentially with every “issue” that arises.
Then there are the narcissists in our lives, and I suspect we all have a few of those, who create their own version of “truth,” as they recruit others to follow them into their own delusions. And our institutions are just as guilty, as even smaller businesses and churches often allow personal and political agendas to overshadow that which is true, and injustice festers in those small environments.
Jesus does give us a place to distance from all of this if we extract ourselves, and remain intentional about turning off the “media,” and maintaining distance from the bullies in our lives as we draw closer to Him through prayer and through service. It’s often that these bullies will try to “draw us back in” to their toxicity, and that means we just have to be even more proactive about getting them out of our lives. We often have to evaluate what’s truly important to us, and what to “let go and give to God,” as we navigate the obstacles of the physical world around us.
There are no “easy” answers to this, as I still struggle every hour of every day, but the more I pray, and the closer to Him I stay, the “safer” I feel as I create “callouses” around my soul that help make “falsehood” bounce off.
We aren’t going to bring every soul we meet to Jesus, and there will be many we have to remove from our lives, but temporal sacrifice usually equates to spiritual gain, so if we stay the course and remain as deeply in Him as we can, we will always be closer to atonement than we were before, and our “work in progress” isn’t for naught.
The great (yet humble)Carmelites have much guidance in their writings which can help us place ourselves at the foot of the cross that we might remember who died for us in a way that puts us into perspective. Theresa of Avila, St John of The Cross, and St Therese of Lisieux, who were as close to “masters” of this as it gets, have created guidelines to bring us closer to interior peace and calm, that we might be able to immerse ourselves in their words in a way that detaches us from the world, and helps us to immerse ourselves in His Word, that we might keep our hearts and souls all in, and totally His.
May we allow Jesus to work through us an in us, that no harm from man can befall us, and that our “egos” recognize this and stay at bay. It’s in our humility that we will rise with Him, as his Kingdom comes, and His Will is done. On Earth as it is in Heaven.❤️🙏
(Reflection by Kenny Meek)

Message from Jesus to Gianna Talone Sullivan, I am Your Jesus of Mercy Vol IV
My dear one, take these words down for My people. It is important that you look to yourself before you are quick to correct someone! It is necessary to take special care of yourself interiorly. Work at being calm, and see that you remain focused on My love. In this way, the words of others will not take offense in you but will only be words. Why do you let the words of others affect you so?
It is because you are still of this world and have not given yourself to Me.
Do not let distractions get in the way of your focus. Habit must overcome habit. Habitually, love, and keep your mind. fixed on Me. Remember, I see all; and, many times, circumstances arise because I desire to see your actions, not when all is well, but in troubled times!!
I have told you that if you want to advance in spiritual progress, you must put aside all trivial, momentary distractions and have a profound love for Me. Your feelings of aggression will pass, and you will return to a state of equilibrium.
When people admonish you and tell you to be careful of your behavior, to be kind and to reflect what is expected of you, do not be offended! Praise the person who admonishes you by thanking them for pointing out the truth in such charity.
Even if you already KNOW what has been said to you in your heart, thank the person anyway. It is an act of humility to not take offense.
Do not take to heart what people say. I tell you over and over again that words should not move you one way or the other. If they do, you are seeking to please others and look towards their affection with fondness. You need to be fully sustained in me. I tell you over and over again! I have mentioned this in previous lessons. What can man do that I cannot free them and deliver from them?
Your mortal life is but a breath of what is to come. But you continue to live in fear of one another. The way of mortal life is one that will always have some type of turmoil because of impurities, so why be disturbed? Seek to be confident and calm, and raise your eyes to the heavens to be governed. Then you will be happy, even in the midst of pain surrounding you.
You can be immunized against the ill effects of human judgment because I am the judge of righteousness!
Work to maintain equanimity. Change you habits and adopt true habits that remain faithful to the Word. I AM THE WORD MADE FLESH. Peace My loved one. Peace. Ad Deum.