Monday Truth in Deep Love🤗❤️🙏

“Always be cautious and stand firm in your faith. When you feel that you are alone, not loved and unimportant, you can be sure I am closest to you. This is a fact. When you are in need, interiorly, I give you My strength to persevere. I bleed for you from My wounds when you are under attack from the evil one. My blood is your salvation, and I joyfully suffer for you when you are suffering, for We are united in My Father’s oneness!”(From Jesus to Gianna below)

The evil one comes at us from all directions, whether it be from our own inner fatigue, or the trappings of life in family and society that often feel “eternal,” but are merely temporary “road blocks” that we devote more time and thought to than is heathy.
If you’re like me, you spend way more time in your own head than you do living in the “now,” “smelling the flowers,” and loving those around you like they deserve to be loved.
Jesus didn’t die for us so that we can feel sorry for Him, or for ourselves, but so that we could learn to rise from our own suffering in a way that brings light to those around us, as He has been doing for the last two thousand years. That one act of submission by Jesus has left churches and bibles scattered all around the globe in hundreds of different cultures, and leaves each one of us with a calling, to rise from our own suffering that He might live through, with, and in us, as we rise from our own “ashes,” and bring His Kingdom to light.
If we’re going to rise, we first have to die, not only unto ourselves, but to those around us, as we draw each other into His Kingdom through our own humility. “Humility” should be our mantra, the word we keep in the forefront of our consciousness, as we interact with other souls and walk ourselves, and each other Home. Through His body and blood, we are saved, and each of us is deeply loved by Him. We are called to reflect that love, and I pray that we find the fortitude to get out of our own heads, and the programming that society wants to place on our heads, that we become free, through, with, and in Him, to bring His Kingdom forth, that we might remain all in, and totally His.❤️🙏
(Reflection by Kenny Meek)

Messsage from Jesus to Gianna Talone Sullivan, I am Your Jesus of Mercy Vol II
OCTOBER 26, 1989
My dear people, do not allow the evil one to torment you interiorly and cause harm to your soul. Always call on My Mother and Me and We will flee to your aide. Do not allow undue duress, because the evil one wishes to see you unhappy and weeping. Know he does not want those who have turned to him, but he wants those closest to Me!
Always be cautious and stand firm in your faith. When you feel that you are alone, not loved and unimportant, you can be sure I am closest to you. This is a fact. When you are in need, interiorly, I give you My strength to persevere. I bleed for you from My wounds when you are under attack from the evil one. My blood is your salvation, and I joyfully suffer for you when you are suffering, for We are united in My Father’s oneness!
You may not feel any different, or at peace in your suffering but, I assure you that this suffering, when offered to My Father for merciless sinners, is the most potent offering in penance.
You submerge yourself into My abandonment and salvation results through My mercy! It brings eternal glory to your souls.
Suffering interiorly is the most painful and the ultimate test of your faith in My Father’s goodness. This is the most viable suffering, the suffering man cannot see with his eyes, only with his heart! It is union with Me, sharing My suffering for the salvation of merciless sinners.