Thursday Truth in Deep Love🤗❤️🙏
What can man do that I and My Father cannot do better?
Allow My work to flow through you, and be at peace. I say peace to you because My peace I give to you totally. Receive it totally by submitting totally unto Me.”((From Jesus to Gianna below)
I think that poising ourselves to fully surrender to God is a life long “challenge.” To even think of surrendering at the level Jesus did, to humble ourselves fully, suspend all judgement and allow Him to work through us and in us, is more than daunting when we walk on a planet so full of resistance.
But thankfully many before us have surrendered as The Word still lives amongst us, as we still see churches on every corner that at least sustain some semblance of “identity with Christ.” I’m sure that how fully each one actually follows and lives The Word could be determined on some sort of “sliding scale” if it were studied, but nevertheless, there are still plenty of “worker bees” doing good work, and sharing His Love and His Light in His Holy Name.
No matter what happens in this world, Jesus is the unchanging solid rock, The Word incarnate in Man, The Way, The Truth, and The Life, and He placed everything He Had, including His life, before us, that we might fully understand the meaning of surrender.
How ready are we to place ourselves at that same level of love, to die unto ourselves when it’s so difficult to even suspend our egos in any given moment?
How do we stay humble with so many other egos hurling hatred, wittingly and unwittingly, as we allow ourselves to get so wrapped up in things that are not of Him?
Fighting hatred with humility seems oxymoronic, but it has been proven over and over that it can, and does work, as Jesus still lives through us and in us, in our thoughts, words, and actions if we only but allow it. That we surrender fully unto Him in all things though our own “agony in the garden,” and allow ourselves to be used by Him however He wishes.
Now that I’ve written this, I need to read it and hopefully follow it, as it’s easier to type than it is to “do.” Thankfully there is much love and support out there, especially from you. May we work together and help each other as we walk each other Home, and do our best to remain all in, and totally His.❤️🙏
(Reflection by Kenny Meek)
Message from Jesus to Gianna Talone Sullivan, I am Your Jesus of Mercy Vol III
JUNE 4, 1990
My dear child, as I opened My arms on the Cross and was naked before My Father, I offered up the salvation of mankind. I gave Myself in oblation to My Father for all. As I gave Myself for all of My people, I ask that they give all of themselves to Me in oblation. I do not want their gifts.
I want their hearts; their total being; all of who they are.
As My people want all of Me, I, too, desire all of them.
What value would gifts be to My people, if they did not have Me, or if I did not give them Myself? It is the same in My eyes. Your gifts are of no value to Me, if you do not give Me your total being! I desire all of you, in order to bestow the liberty and grace of unity.
My people are so afraid. They do not understand. Mankind cannot understand the fullness of My power. If they comprehended the saving works and majestic deeds of My Father, would they not be called wonderful or unspeakable? In order for my work to be done through them, it is necessary that they submit totally to me without understanding through human reason. If they would give themselves to Me as I have given Myself to them, they would be given the knowledge to understand what they would need to understand in accordance to My Father’s Will. It, once again, reflects faith.
Submit to Me totally and undoubtedly! Come humbly before Me in reverence with all of your errors and faults.
Do not be molested with doubts, for your doubts will deceive you, and cause you to fall. Submit understanding to Me, and you will gain the light of knowledge profitable to you. Leave the difficult disputes, and follow the simple and pure path I offer to you.
Faith is required of My people. They attempt to understand the deep mysteries of My Father and search for unattainable things. While a search and inquiry of the truth is tolerable and taught in accordance to the sound doctrine of My Church, caution is requested that they do not search for incomprehensible mysteries which will only deceive them!
Come humbly before Me in faith and give to Me all of yourself, as I have given totally to you. For gifts are of no value to Me if you have not given Me yourself! Offer totally to Me in oblation, as I offered to My Father in oblation to you.
Be faith-filled people, lest you be deceived and lose in the sight of God any knowledge necessary for profitable comprehension. Do not limit your own gifts by controlling what you will allow yourselves to give to Me.
What can man do that I and My Father cannot do better?
Allow My work to flow through you, and be at peace. I say peace to you because My peace I give to you totally. Receive it totally by submitting totally unto Me.
Bless you once again this day.