Friday Truth in Deep Love🤗❤️🙏

“I say: “It is not I Who bring your turmoil.” If you believe Me, you believe in Me, and you believe in My Father’s goodness, which is My Divinity. How can I express to you the seriousness of this truth and the longing I have to fill My people with love and happiness? How much would I give to My people, if they would allow Me! My child, to the depths of the principalities of My power I would give to them, and desire to now! This is not a game. This is real! My people think that because they do not see, it is not real. I am alive, and dwell among you!”(From Jesus to Gianna below)

The deeper we go into Jesus, whether it be in our prayer lives or actions, the more signs He brings forth of His Love and support for us, especially when we keep His Word at the forefront of every thought and every action. Little miracles do in fact occur when we remain immersed in Him through which all things are made. The miracles in my own life of service have come to fruition in a way that leaves no room for denial, as the lives of my family, and the institutions I’ve served as a leader have grown in abundance, not because of my actions, but through the work of the Holy Spirit as I’ve remained in submission to my one Lord and Savior.
There will be times when our institutions that use His name do in fact “fall off the rails” and into the abyss of deception, but if we remain open to Him and only Him, He will in fact show us the truth we need to speak and live as we reflect that Truth from a place of deep love. This isn’t always easy to do, as “the world” struggles to make our churches conform to it, rather than bringing His Truth to the world as Revelation unfolds upon us, in a way that our institutions fail to recognize, whether said institutions be our churches, or the other human politicized bodies working to stay relevant, or “in power.”
While our society and our churches are currently immersed in a state reflective of Sodom and Gomorrah from the Old Testament, we walk in a state of denial, enabling that culture rather than condemning the promiscuity that tends to arise from it, and deflect to the political narrative of the day, and leave The Word barely spoken as we work to cover up institutional sins and pull satanic politics into our realm.
We are all loved deeply, but without His Truth brought fully into play, we will leave ourselves closed not only to His abundance, but to Eternal Life through Him, as we enable Satan to wreak his havoc amongst us. We are called to walk in His footsteps, and if our leadership is walking somewhere else, we are not only responsible, but obligated to keep His Truth in the Light, for only He is The Way, The Truth, and The Life, and only by full immersion in Him, can we remain all in, and totally His.❤️🙏
(Reflection by Kenny Meek)

Message from Jesus to Gianna Talone Sullivan, I am Your Jesus of Mercy
JANUARY 12, 1989
If you cry because of your love of Me, imagine how much I cry because of My love for My children. I love them so much that you cannot understand that level of love.
I tell you, My heart aches with much pain for My people because of the great love I have for them. My people have the desire for love, but not the willingness to love, so they are controlled by demons of fear, disappointment, hopelessness and worry.
If only they would be willing to allow Me to help them!
If only they would be willing! They are strapped in by “control.” They are so convinced that they can control their lives better than I could. Then, when their fear of survival has weakened them, they cry out to My Father, and damn Him for turmoil that could have been prevented had they allowed Us to control their weakness.
Itell you, My pain comes from wanting to help My people, but they will not allow Me. Please believe Me when I say: “It is not I Who bring your turmoil.”
If you believe Me, you believe in Me, and you believe in My Father’s goodness, which is My Divinity.
How can I express to you the seriousness of this truth and the longing I have to fill My people with love and happiness?
How much would I give to My people, if they would allow Me!
My child, to the depths of the principalities of My power I would give to them, and desire to now!
This is not a game. This is real! My people think that because they do not see, it is not real. I am alive, and dwell among you!
Your theologians will attempt to decipher this meaning, I assure you. They, instead, should pray for the discernment of My meaning in their lives.
My dear one, what I see and what I hear grieves Me, because of My love for My people. My weariness stems from the pain which My mother feels when she comforts and is not comforted in return!
I have been explaining this to you, so that you understand the truth of what is to come if My people do not change and commence giving glory to My Father.