Saturday Truth in Deep Love🤗❤️🙏

“My Father has given His Kingdom to His people, all His people. Therefore judgment (their judgment) will be a result of how they utilize the power of grace. This means the standards of judgment you hold bound on others will be the same standards held on you because you are not allowing My Father to rule with His peace.”(From Jesus to Gianna below)

“Why do you look at the speck of sawdust in your brother’s eye, and ignore the plank in your own eye? How can you say to your brother ‘let me take the speck out of your eye ? You hypocrite, first take the plank out of your own eye, and then you will see clearly to remove the speck from your brother’s eye”- Matthew 7:1

Gossip and “judgement” are everywhere. The workplace, church, school, sewing circles, Bible study groups and locker rooms. Men are just as guilty of it as women, and there’s no “demographic” out there that’s free from it, whether they be the “purveyors,” recipients, or victims of said gossip.
I think the biggest requirement for conversation to be labeled as “gossip” is that there is collective “judgment” taking place in said conversations, and a “lynch mob” mentality at work causing damage to another soul or souls. I’ve been more than guilty of it in the workplace, and “high school,” yet hopefully there comes a time in our adulthood where we mature out of that mode, keep ourselves in check, and learn to stop it in its tracks before misinformation and “judgment” get carried beyond those rendering it.
And this goes for us as individuals as well, for we tend to judge without having witnessed, and should never allow these kinds of thoughts to travel beyond ourselves unless we’re truly seeking counsel as to how to handle a “situation,” and in this we must be careful as well, as there is a fine line between “seeking counsel” and rendering gossip, as the former often devolves into the latter.
There is often a correlation between our “need to render judgment” and our own lack of self esteem, as we find “security” in putting ourselves above others, which I think most of us know in our hearts, souls, and minds is never a good thing to do.
I think that we, as responsible stewards of God’s love, should check ourselves and our friends and family when we start to segue into a mode of gossip or judgment, because I can be lured into it just as quickly as anyone, but hopefully catch what’s happening in time to reverse it, and keep any potential damage at bay.
It’s good that we “see souls through God’s eyes,” but leave all judgment to Him, as He knows all truth, and we do not. We carry limitations that He doesn’t, and should remain humble in recognition of our limitations.
Only in this way, will we be able to shed God’s Grace on others as He has done for us, that we might remain all in, and totally His.❤️🙏
(Reflection by Kenny Meek)

Message from Jesus to Gianna Talone Sullivan, I am Your Jesus of Mercy Vol III
SEPTEMBER 30, 1990
My dear child, it is today I wish for My people to know the truth about judgment. Harmful judgment does not come from My Father. Harmful judgment comes from My people.
Those who wrongfully judge will be judged, not by God’s standards, but by their own!
Judgment rests upon My people. My Father is a loving and merciful God. He is not a spiteful or revengeful one. He wishes only good and pure happiness. What you hold bound on earth is bound in Heaven. That is why I caution you to beware of your current judging standards.
If you can forgive or love yourself, then My Father can forgive and love you because you allow Him! If you love yourself in purity, then your own judgment against yourself can only be a judgment in purity! That judgment results in one of favor for you, not against you. Seek Him, for He will guide you in this purity.
Forgive others. What you see on the surface may not be the truth behind their incentives. Know what you see is not what My Father sees. If you do not judge others for what they do to you, then God’s goodness can only dwell in your heart with forgiveness and mercy. There cannot be harmful judgment against you because it cannot exist.
Tell My people it is because of My great love for them that I am able to share the truth of the final judgment. If God is good now, can He harm you? If God is merciful, how can He deny forgiveness?
My Father has given His Kingdom to His people, all His people. Therefore judgment (their judgment) will be a result of how they utilize the power of grace. This means the standards of judgment you hold bound on others will be the same standards held on you because you are not allowing My Father to rule with His peace.
The more you love, the more you forgive; the more you accept and allow things to simply be, the more you live in His peace; and the result of your judgment will be a glorious one! This is utilizing the tools of My Father’s grace wisely.
My people do not realize this truth of their power in My Father. Know it is He Who judges justly and know that those who trust in Him need not fear. For these, His people, are faithful to His promise and glorify Him for His kindness and fidelity to His promise.