Monday Truth in Deep Love🤗❤️🙏
“My Kingdom is for all, not one or only a few select. My Kingdom is for all. There are many places in My Kingdom. There are many, many seats. Even when you may think that there is no room, there are yet so many more seats available awaiting My people. There is a seat for every created human being.”(From Jesus to Gianna below)
“Thy Kingdom come, Thy Will be done, on earth as it is in Heaven”-Jesus, Matthew 6:9-13, Luke 11:1-4
Every living moment gives us an opportunity to decide whether we’re going to live in The Word, or live in the world. The Kingdom of Heaven is in fact a gift to all, for us to maintain here during our earthly existence, that gives us a vehicle for us to share God’s endless Love. Are we loving our neighbor or cursing them because of the political sign in their front yard? Are we watching hate filled propaganda that poses as “news?” Or are we getting down on our knees and asking God how we can do better to bring His love to the table that every soul we touch might want to be part of it? Are we “flipping someone off” in traffic because they did something that we’ve likely done at some point? Or are we remembering the fact that we have done that very same thing and giving them the grace that was once given us?
Even in our quest for purity, most of us are going to mess up and allow our egos to override our consciences at times, but the idea is to catch ourselves before we affect any other souls with our “worldliness.” And we grow a little every single time we do this. And love will evolve into a habit, every single time we do this.
Jesus calls us to bring His Kingdom to earth, no more no less, and we can only do that through pure love. Putting others before ourselves in service. Opening doors and smiling. Looking at people through a lens of love that many never get to feel in their entire earthly lives. Bringing Jesus to souls and bringing souls to Jesus that every single one desires the opportunity to live in Him. All in, and totally His. Every little act of love makes a big difference. Especially to the recipient.❤️🙏
(Reflection by Kenny Meek
Message from Jesus to Gianna Talone Sullivan, I am Your Jesus of Mercy Vol III
NOVEMBER 8, 1990
My dear child, I am here for all My people; hoping they will desire eternal bliss. Oh, My child, bring all My people to Me in prayer. Do not look at yourself, but look at all My people who hunger for love and are malnourished. Bring them to Me.
What I have given to you, give to them in My Name. My Kingdom is for all, not one or only a few select. My Kingdom is for all. There are many places in My Kingdom. There are many, many seats. Even when you may think that there is no room, there are yet so many more seats available awaiting My people. There is a seat for every created human being.
Yes, the Son of Man died so that all could liken unto Him and gain His glory. Bless you, My dear one, and never forget, when you remove your desires from praying for yourself, but pray for the desires of God for all of mankind, your desires in God will be fulfilled in His glory! Peace. Ad Deum.