Friday Truth in Deep Love🤗❤️🙏

“I want My people to know not to fear! Those who fear or instill fear, live with imperfect love. I have said, and shall say again, that I will save My people.
I will not allow one of My chosen to be harmed! All shall have eternal freedom. Do not be afraid of what may come ahead. All those who wish to be Mine shall be saved, for all who desire shall be called my chosen!”(From Jesus to Gianna below )

Entities who want to assume control over a population tend to do so through fear, and the devil possessed political parties here in the US have done an outstanding job of that. They push as much propaganda at us as they can to make us as afraid as possible of what the “other side” has to offer, and we follow them down their wormholes of lies and exaggerations as we spew hatred towards the half of the population that sees things differently. And reading many of the Facebook posts out there makes it pretty easy to realize that many of us, way too many of us, are falling for it, hook, line and sinker. The “American Election Season” has devolved into a tabloid farce where people follow one side or the other, and fail to realize they’re following Satan regardless of which “side” they choose to follow.
The saddest thing about it is when these propagandists make it into our churches, and fill people with half truths that cause unnecessary fear and division, and cause us to wander down a path that is not of Him.
Jesus calls us to reject all that is not of Him, and to bring others to His Kingdom, the place He has prepared for us here, now, and hereinafter, that we might lead each other into His Light. He calls us to love. Period, and we can rest assured that the will of the political party we’re “following” is walking a path that is far from His Will, regardless of which “side” we think we’re picking. It’s this simple, if we aren’t picking the “side” of Jesus, we’re picking the “side” of Satan. Jesus does not call us to lead each other down a “political path,” but to follow Him and Him alone, that we might reject Satan and bring His Truth to light, for the stronger His Kingdom on Earth becomes, the less grasp Satan has upon our souls. We’re called to love, and most of what’s “political” today is the absolute antithesis of love.
When we walk outside of our doors, and see the beauty of nature, people, and the good things God has created through us, emptying ourselves of all things that are not of Him, then we get a glimpse of creation, until we turn on what passes as “news,” and fill our minds with “destruction.”
There’s a meme or ideal out there credited to Rumi, that begs us before we speak or render an “opinion” to ask ourselves; “let your words pass through these three gates: is it true, is it kind, is it necessary.” If it isn’t, then we’re enabling the evil one.
I pray that we all open ourselves up to Him, and stop allowing the devil possessed powers that be to turn us into fear mongers, for only He is The Way, The Truth, and the Life.” May we allow Him to fill our souls with compassion for everyone and reject all that is not of Him, that we might remain all in, and totally His.❤️🙏
(Reflection by Kenny Meek)

Message from Jesus to Gianna Talone Sullivan, I am Your Jesus of Mercy Vol II
DECEMBER 6, 1989
My dear child, those who walk in the truth of My light will accept the truth of themselves in their journey of growth.
Be grateful that man is not judged by man, bụt by My Father!
He is the judge of all men and He is a gracious, patient and loving God.
Each day, as My people choose to be closer and closer to Me, they will come to know themselves and accept themselves with love. The ego slowly dwindles away and disintegrates, and My people will even accept and acknowledge their human faults. Then they will no longer walk in false humility but be the budding beauties of humbleness!
Each day, as My people elect to accept My truth and My love, they will no longer attack themselves, because they make or have made errors, but, will also embrace My love as their salvation! My people will know with all of their hearts, minds and souls that, even though they try and fail, they have won in My sight!
I am not looking for perfectionism, but genuine sensitivity.
I desire their hearts to be filled with honesty and purity.
Remember, I see the deepest incentives of each person’s heart.
Conversion, although a journey in time, is also simple. It is man who complicates and makes conversion a word of struggle! That is why those, whose hearts belong to Me, suffer.
They suffer a longing for peace and love between mankind, but live with the reality of deceit and sorrow! These are My pure children, for only I know their suffering, which is not shared with mankind. No one sees their suffering, only the Holy Trinity.
I want My people to know not to fear! Those who fear or instill fear, live with imperfect love. I have said, and shall say again, that I will save My people.
I will not allow one of My chosen to be harmed! All shall have eternal freedom. Do not be afraid of what may come ahead. All those who wish to be Mine shall be saved, for all who desire shall be called my chosen!
Fear has no substance! What justice is there in fear? If you fear, do you have faith in Me? My people, do not be afraid.
The power of God, My Father, is so intense in fortitude that, if He wanted to destroy everything and everyone, it would only take a matter of a second in terms of your time! My Father is a loving Father and He loves you. So do not be fearful of what may come, but be grateful that He loves you and cares so much for you that all, who wish to be His, will be! It is that simple. Ask and allow Us to purify you.
My Father and I are dedicated to you in granting eternal salvation and freedom! If you do not desire Us, as We desire you, then so be it! It is your choice, and shall always be your choice, not Ours. Our wish is to protect you and grant you the pleasing comfort of serenity and peace. Those of you, who think that Jesus would not speak in so pedestrian a way, know that you live in a complex world, because you have allowed complexity of your intellect to control you.
I speak simple words so that there will be no mistake or misunderstanding of My offer of everlasting life to you. I speak clearly and directly to ALL created by My Father, and so that all will understand. There is no favoritism in the Kingdom of God. All share in and live in the oneness of My Father’s love.