Tuesday Truth in Deep Love🤗❤️🙏
“If you desire time with Me, I will give it to you. I am gentle and meek of heart. I will teach you how to pray. I will lead you to a conversion of heart through praying for forgiveness and purity of heart. You will love your enemies and persecutors and seek the Kingdom above all else. You will learn to pray in faith, for I will guide you.”(From Jesus to Gianna below)
God didn’t put us on this earth so we can get rich, fat, and happy. He didn’t put us here to compete, whether it be for resources or temporal “glory” of the “self,” although that’s kind of how “the world” sees us. As “competitors” trying to stay “ahead of the game.”
One thing I find about people who have very little in the material sense, is that they are often the most generous. Not all are like that, but there does tend to be an air of faith based generosity, a willingness to give back, that many people who are way more “well off” are lacking.
Maybe it’s because people who lack in the material sense do draw closer to God because He’s all they have, or at least most of what they have. I suppose God works in a similar way with “religious” who take vows of poverty, as they spend more time praying, living through, with, and in God as they ponder life from a “minimalist perspective.” Not attached to “things,” but blessed with the gift of “time,” which most of us forget we have because we fill our calendars with worldly “things” as opposed to Godly things.
I like to think I’m pretty good about giving “time” to God, and if I stay immersed in Him, that He might also help me to better “love my enemies and persecutors” as He has stated above. Somehow my psyche manages to love some people better when they’re “blocked” on Facebook, as there are often aspects of certain personalities that are clearly demonic in nature. It’s hard to stay in God’s will if we allow ourselves to be poked and prodded by “Satan,” so there’s often a “catch 22” in play, at least there is in my walk of faith. It’s easier to walk with the poor than it is with the wicked, and I’m not sure how much God really calls me to “walk with the wicked,” as the wicked tend to distract us from love, which is our sole purpose on earth. 
I guess the point here is that God will give us all the time we need as we relinquish the worldly and make more room and “time” in our lives for Him. He WILL free us up if we open ourselves up and allow Him to do so. He will show us whom and what we need to keep in our lives to be the best custodians of His Kingdom that we can possibly be, in spite of our gross imperfections. All we have to do is be “aware.” To keep Him close as our reason for living and our purpose in all things. To fill our “calendars” with Him, because that’s the only way we’re going to be able to remain all in and totally His considering the political and social “climates” we live in.
Gods Will can and will be done for us if we “let go,” and allow Him, to “orchestrate our time.”❤️🙏
(Reflection by Kenny Meek)
Message from Jesus to Gianna Talone Sullivan, I Am Your Jesus of Mercy Vol V
Lesson #29
In private chapel at home
November 9, 1995
My little one, come to Me when you are weary and rest in My love.
I will give you peace and refresh your soul with My presence. So many of My beloved people are tired and in need of great comfort and loving care. I desire all who are tired and filled with anguish to have recourse to Me. No matter how busy your schedule is daily, I can comfort you. Only ask Me to orchestrate your time, and you will be given the time to rest in My love in prayer and solitude.
If you desire time with Me, I will give it to you. I am gentle and meek of heart. I will teach you how to pray. I will lead you to a conversion of heart through praying for forgiveness and purity of heart. You will love your enemies and persecutors and seek the Kingdom above all else. You will learn to pray in faith, for I will guide you. You will knock, and I, being the Door, will open to you the Way. Your heart will be disposed to do the will of My Father, for you will be bonded to Him in filial love. In Me you will live the perfect model of prayer through a loving adherence to the will of My Father. Remember I have mentioned to you the bond of filial love and how you, through Me, are a child of God. Pray with confidence. Pray with a persevering faith and with purity of heart.
Give all your petitions in prayer to My Father in My Name. I have told you of His great love and tender kindness. This filial bond of love with the Father is a communion with Him. Nothing happens to you in life unless My Father wills it so. Trust in Divine Providence and surrender to His consoling truths. Trust in the wisdom of God.
His judgment does not lack in what is advantageous for you. Even misfortunes have a useful purpose. Practice trustful surrender and have a loving recourse to God. I will teach you to conform to the will of My Father in adversity as well as in prosperity, in times of humiliation and disgrace as well as in times of honor and respect.
I will lead you and be your Teacher. Though all may turn from you, I will never leave you. I will be there for you. You will have a place to rest your weary head. I am merciful and all loving. I am your Jesus of Mercy.
I want all My people to know I am here for them at their asking.
I surround them with love, and I hope they will desire the counsels of truth. It is My hope that they practice filial submission to Divine Providence. This allows them to rest in My Father’s arms as a child rests in its mother’s arms. Conforming the soul in love to Divine Providence allows the soul to rest in peace and gives hope to the weary. My lessons to My people have been given because of My great love for them. I am calling My people to return back to God. I desire My people to know I have not abandoned them. I have given them the tools of prayer and the consoling truths of My existence.
I have desired them to learn, to be free, and to grow in holiness. I give My words for them to give them hope for the journey. I await their love. My Word will never perish. All who abide in the Word abide in Me and abide in Love. Those who abide in Me abide in My Father in a filial boldness. My lessons are for all people in the world. All are invited to live in unity, peace and love. All are invited to live in the truth of God. Peace to all, little one. My peace I give to you for all eternity. Come, you who are weary and filled with anguish. Come, rest in My love. Receive My mercy and comforting love. I am your Jesus of Mercy. AD DEUM.