Wednesday Truth in Deep Love🤗❤️🙏

“Today you live amongst people who have little trust in their God. They are questioning the faith of the existence of God. If I grant revelations, visions or prophecy to one, the other closes his ears to knowledge in resentment and lack of acceptance. People place restrictions on their God: what Yahweh would say, act or do in others. My visionaries, prophets, saints, martyrs of today go unnoticed. My people refuse to heed the words spoken from their lips proclaiming My words of light.”(From Jesus to Gianna below)

It’s sad to see so many people, even priests, and lukewarm regular church-goers who speak God’s name, and claim to represent Him, but really have little faith in the truth of His existence. There tends to be way more reliance on the words of Fox, CNN, or a “favored politician” than there is in His Word, and this becomes more than clear in what gets recited from the pulpit, or becomes “church policy,” as churches are all over the place when it comes to policy.” Some are more worldly than others, some are more Godly than others. I’m seeing new hope in my own church as this goes, and it instills that same hope in me, leaving me pretty optimistic.
How do we walk in The Way, The Truth, and The Life, if we’re instead living in the fear that’s exacerbated by our “policy makers” and our media? How do we allow Him to be the safety net we need to extract us from the things of this world that we might wholeheartedly represent His Kingdom as He calls us to do? How do we stand before the Pilates of this world and proclaim as He did that His Kingdom is not of this world, and “back it up” through our actions?
A very wise and holy friend just said to me yesterday “we just need to practice, and practice, and practice until it becomes second nature.” To extract ourselves from the things of this world in humility, and immerse ourselves in prayer, service, and love as we walk each other through the “mess” that lies before us.
Like in the story of the “loaves and the fishes,” Jesus , living in us, has the power to take “little things,” and grow them into something big and significant, if we but only submit every aspect of our consciousness to His Will. To allow Him to work through us and in us, and for Him to allow us to see people and situations as He sees them, and if we’re on the right path, we will feel the deep love flowing through us, as the fear that surrounds us dissipates into “the abyss.” To take the bread that He gives us out into the world and to transform it into new life in others through Him, as we carry His Word forth, thereby growing His Kingdom.
But mostly we have to truly believe ourselves, and to not be afraid to demonstrate to others that we are in fact, “all in, and totally His,” as He will always have our backs as long as we have His. And sometimes even when we don’t. Or at least don’t think we do.
As John tells us in the meme below,(6:35) Jesus is the bread of life. Whoever comes to Him will never be hungry or thirsty.” Jesus’ bread is infinite and never ending, so we never have to worry about “running out.” We merely need to remember to rest in Him, pray, and allow Him to fill us that we might fill others as is demonstrated in Holy Communion via the sacrifice of The Mass. To keep our hearts, minds, bodies and souls immersed in Him, as we “walk each other Home.” It’s all in the love.❤️🙏
(Reflection by Kenny Meek)

Message from Jesus to Gianna Talone Sullivan, I am Your Jesus of Mercy Vol IV
My dear one, it is time to take down My words for My people, words of love and encouragement. My people will not be able to understand the full depth of My words I have spoken in My lessons; but, as they continue to read and study them, they will recurrently see how each word and phrase is designed and formed with great love in order to assist them in their journey.
The journey of life that you live is only the beginning of a long and fruitful journey of happiness. At times you feel that your journey is one of little meaning; or you feel lost, abandoned, or struggle with the meaning of your own life’s journey. This is all orchestrated only to bring you closer to Me! All you do is not within your own power to acquire. (I am speaking of the many who attain their goals in belief that it was granted to them on behalf of their own merit!) Those who love Me achieve as is best for their soul.
Today you live amongst people who have little trust in their God. They are questioning the faith of the existence of God. If I grant revelations, visions or prophecy to one, the other closes his ears to knowledge in resentment and lack of acceptance. People place restrictions on their God: what Yahweh would say, act or do in others. My visionaries, prophets, saints, martyrs of today go unnoticed. My people refuse to heed the words spoken from their lips proclaiming My words of light.
My teachings do not cease. I am a teaching God, and My love endures forever. I do not change, and I journey with you.
Do not struggle, then, when aridity and the thirst for Me is not fulfilled. I am bringing you to life’s springs and endless gardens. The journey is continuous, but I continue to lead you through the darkness and confusion. I am with you, right by your side, and many times supporting you when you are weary.
This journey of your life is really not long compared to the journey of the glory to come! Therefore, I encourage you to continue on with Me, even though you are confused, lonely, alone, feeling abandonment, and are not acknowledged by others. I control all; and when it is My desire for all to know what should be revealed to them, it will be unveiled!
Exert your energy on Me, and put aside all worried feelings of anxiety. Allow Me to purify you from the tendencies you have to seek control of My love. Do not seek consolation, but seek Me, your Yahweh of consolations!
I love you and want your love freely, without contingencies or controls. It is a long journey of life I take with you, depending on your patience and your true desire to embrace the good fruits of this journey. Then, as you surrender totally, daily, you experience a true romance relationship, one fulfilling your life. Therefore, do not be frustrated. One day you are giving; the next day you are not. I do not get discouraged with you, but I test the willingness of the spirit and I teach you that what you acquire is not what you merited by your control, but by My love!! Peace. Ad Deum.