Friday Truth in Deep Love🤗❤️🙏

“I tell you, My child, it is on rare occasions that My people live each day as if it were their last. My people plan for an uncertain future. I would like My people to return to basic principles. It is very difficult for My people, because of the world they created: a world of life against a time table; a world of fallacy, not reality; a world of competition, not unity; a world of struggle, not companionship; a world destined to hate from the lack of love and compassion. Is this a merciful path of life?”(From Jesus to Gianna below)

“The Power of Now.” It’s a popular concept and definitely something we should be keeping in mind as we walk each other through these trying times.
I remember being a very young child before I could tell time, and my only big concerns at the time were not hurting myself, not making my parents angry, and bad dreams. There was no calendar, no “concerns” about the past or future, and it was very easy to be in tune with the moment I was living in, or the “now.” Then “socialization” came along, and that was the end of that.
Most of us have brains that “multitask,” and it’s very often that we can become absent from the present, even so much that we don’t remember what we just did. In our conversations, our egos prompt us to “listen to respond,” so we can “save the day” and get along with our lives, but what we fail to realize is that the “now” is in fact God’s greatest gift. It’s where we actually live at any given time, not just what our demonically influenced brains are “concerned” about while we’re disengaging ourselves from what we’re doing or the people around us.
I am very blessed today in that I get to spend time with two of my grandkids, and there is never a better time to practice “living in the now” as when you’re with children. Embracing their pondrances and wonderment, allowing ourselves to be fully engaged with them, or to be “little” as St Therese so beautifully encourages us to do. To “empty our brains” and to just be. To embrace and take in each moment as though it might be our last, for we truly do not know the day or the hour when Jesus will call us home.
Happy Friday, precious souls. Today like every day is a gift from God, and I pray that today leaves us with many beautiful “now” engagements that come from places of love for and from everyone we touch. That we live each segment of life to its fullest, as we work to remain all in, and totally His.❤️🙏
(Reflection by Kenny Meek)

Message from Jesus to Gianna Talone Sullivan, I am Your Jesus of Mercy Vol II
SEPTEMBER 22, 1989
My people do not live for the present day. Their worries and anxieties stem from their anticipation of what tomorrow shall bring. In worrying about tomorrow, they have not lived for today.
If you wish Me to be yours tomorrow, then have Me today!
Focus on the moment, and on My great love. If you focus on tomorrow, tomorrow may not come! How can I fill you with My goodness and grant you My graces tomorrow if you will not accept them today?
Live for today in Me, My people.
Live in Me this very moment.
Structure your attention, and be focused on Me, this moment and every moment of each day.
Live the graces I grant you each day by accepting them and taking one day at a time.
Do not run ahead! Do not look back!
Live the moment, and be aware of all the beauty I give to you.
Focus your energy on Me in everything you do.
You will be able then to accept My peace, because you will be walking with Me.
Do not worry what yesterday has brought, because today will become yesterday!
I tell you, My child, it is on rare occasions that My people live each day as if it were their last. My people plan for an uncertain future. I would like My people to return to basic principles. It is very difficult for My people, because of the world they created: a world of life against a time table; a world of fallacy, not reality; a world of competition, not unity; a world of struggle, not companionship; a world destined to hate from the lack of love and compassion. Is this a merciful path of life?
Take seriously My words, My beloved people, because My seriousness stems from My concern and love for you.
Many will say, child, that it is because of the condition of the world, and your desire to see it change, which has deceived you to think that I speak to you. They will not take My words seriously, and they will think that My words are
really your own! I tell you, My heart saddens for these, My skeptics.
When the time comes in which they will know that these words are Mine, and the time will come, it shall be too late, for these words come through My Father.
I am asking My people in this lesson to live for today. Live day by day and focus on Me. Live in Me today, and you shall live in Me tomorrow!
Seek tomorrow without having found Me today and you shall not find Me, for the day of tomorrow is uncertain!
I tell you, child, this will be difficult for My people. I will see, now, how many of My people who say they trust in Me, really trust in Me! Can they live for today without anticipating tomorrow? Can they totally trust in Me today, that they will not worry about tomorrow? Will they be at peace with what I bring them today? Do My people truly trust in Me?