Wednesday Truth in Deep Love🤗❤️🙏

“Love is not an emotion! It is a gift of My Divinity. It is the gift of Myself. It is allowing Me to encompass your total being, because I am Love!
If you allow Me to dwell in you as your God of love, then, not only will you receive My compassion and My mercy, but My compassion and mercy will flow out from you.”(From Jesus to Gianna below)

Waking up to the sounds of the birds, early risers on Facebook, then real souls out and about in this world is way more joyful if we have Jesus working through us and in us. To remove ourselves from the artificial stimulus, “the news,” “the election,” the devil possessed processes that fill us with disdain for each other can be daunting, but it’s what we’re called to do no more no less. To filter out the noise and to allow Him in that we might see each soul as He does. To love complete strangers will bring about new levels of self love as well as love for Jesus if we’re doing it right. Sometimes we have to put ourselves out there and make it a little weird, but that’s ok. To remember that in the end, it’s only how God sees us that matters, for no one gets to judge us in the end except for Him. I pray that we can find a place of peace and comfort in that as we go out today with love in our hearts. To witness to each soul and love them as He loves us. And to bring His Kingdom to life on earth as He has proclaimed.
Let’s love each other today, y’all. Starting right now, and lasting into eternity, for eternity is all that matters, and we can only walk each other into eternity by remaining all in, and totally His, in every thought, work, and action. Love starts here, and love starts now. Here we go..❤️🙏
(Reflection by Kenny Meek)

Message from Jesus to Gianna Talone Sullivan, I am Your Jesus of Mercy
JUNE 19, 1989
My dear people, what is love? Do you know?
Love is allowing My compassion and mercy to flow through you.
Mercy is allowing the compassion of My love to flow through you!
To love is to have mercy.
To have mercy, you must love.
I have said this world cannot survive without love. Without love all existence will cease because, without love, the soul withers.
If you wish to be My people, you need to know what love is according to My Father’s standard. If you wish to be My followers, you must love.
Love is not an emotion! It is a gift of My Divinity. It is the gift of Myself. It is allowing Me to encompass your total being, because I am Love!
If you allow Me to dwell in you as your God of love, then, not only will you receive My compassion and My mercy, but My compassion and mercy will flow out from you.
If you ALL allow My love to flow through you, is that not ALL the different members making up the one Body of Christ? Is that not all My people drawing to the center of the Body, the oneness of My Body, the Trinity? It is necessary for ALL TO LOVE.
When one member of the Body loves and the other does not, the Body becomes weak and suffers. You all belong to Me and all need to allow Me to love you and build strength in you so that all members of the Body can be united with one Body of Christ!
I tell you, My people, you cannot survive without love.
Your existence will cease and beauty will be destroyed. When existence is threatened, wars are created as hope for survival!
This is truth, My people. Trust in Me and believe My words.
My compassion and mercy will then flow out from you. Beauty will be recreated and happiness, goodness and purity will be restored! Then you will have peace, because you will have allowed Me to give you peace!