“You need not focus on anything but what you are to do today or you will experience anxiety and uncertainty. It is good to plan, but do not be consumed with making sure that your plans are fulfilled. Allow God’s will to unfold in the midst of your plans. Maintain peace of heart and serenity.”(From Gianna below)

Living in God’s will, light, and truth require surrender. Remembering that any and everything that’s eternal comes to us through and with Him. All physical things will return to the earth in short course including our bodies and those of our loved ones. In eternal terms that’s a mere flash in time. Our reliance on infrastructural things like the power grid , food supply and monetary systems is all based on temporary constructs and should never be taken for granted. God, on the other hand, has a plan for each and every one of us as we walk each other through this very short life. Physical things change, but our love for each other through God is forever. What we give Him, including our own lives when the time comes, will follow us into eternity. We live our lives on earth wearing blinders that limit our knowledge to that which we can see and that which we choose to believe as we are fed information by agenda driven sources. What we do in fact know is extremely limited in the grand scheme of God’s true Kingdom, as our physical beings are a mere blip in time and space. I think Padre Pio’s advice to “pray, hope, and don’t worry” sets up a basis for living in His will, except we can’t just do it half way. We have to immerse ourselves in Him and allow His will and love to shine through every action we perform and in every aspect of our being. We need to pray hard constantly, and to ask God to help us see others as He sees them that we might all keep each other in His light no matter what our physical situation. Love is like a snowball rolling down a hill, except that snowball never stops growing, and never goes away. The more we give the more we receive, and the more we receive the more we can give back. And the love we give back ripples on forever in ways that we may or may not get to witness. I pray that we all stay in His light, and grow in His love as we walk each other into that which is unknown, as we will be lost without Him in ways that are unimaginable. We are one body through Him, and He is our only way through this time on earth. May we all surrender to Him in perfect love. Totus Tuus.❤️🙏

As told to Gianna Talone Sullivan, I am your Jesus of Mercy Vol V
In private chapel at home
August 4, 1995
Love as I Loved, Die as I Died
“My dear little one, you cannot worry about what will happen to-
morrow. You need not focus on anything but what you are to do
today or you will experience anxiety and uncertainty. It is good
to plan, but do not be consumed with making sure that your plans
are fulfilled. Allow God’s will to unfold in the midst of your plans.
Maintain peace of heart and serenity. You cannot make something
happen just as you cannot make someone love you. I cannot make
My people love Me. It is their free will that I have given to them
as a gift. No matter how much you try to impress people or prove
to them you have changed from your old ways, and no matter how
kind you are to them, giving gifts of love, you cannot gain their
acceptance or trust. They have free will to choose what and who
they desire to love and accept. That is why I have told you to focus
on Me your Lord, nothing more, nothing else, nothing less. You
will gain peace and serenity of heart in My love. You will always
have My acceptance and My love. You need not prove to Me that
you have changed, for I have given you the grace to change. You
need not try to impress Me. My love is unconditional, and it is I
who bear gifts of love for My people.
People can be very cruel. When they choose their way above
God’s Way, when they decide not to walk the path of love I have
walked before them, they lose sight of truth and reality. They be-
come blinded by the consuming desire to fulfill their quest, and in
the process they become very cruel in nature and behavior. What
they define as freedom and the reign of freedom is not the stepping
stone to unconditional love, but that of control and manipulation.
That is why I continually invite all people to return to God, to love
unconditionally and to be merciful. Many of My, little ones become
targets of pain from the belittling comments and cruel words of
others. They try to give of themselves unconditionally in love and
in the process are lashed out at in return for their efforts. These My
little ones many times feel abandoned by God, but it is not so. As
my little ones turn to Me and refocus once again on My love, they
are strengthened and become the pillars of My unconditional love.
Step by step they become victorious in the eyes of God and merit
the crown of glory.
Why must it be so? Because, little one, all who love as I love
must die as I died. It was My people who made their fate by their
verdict they passed on Me. They made their own fate by their judg-
ment on Me. Now all who live as I live and desire to share in My
glory must die as I died, in love and in humility. Remember, I was
victorious in death, and in love of My people I died in order thal
all might live and share in My reign. I would do it again, for My
love for My people surpasses all love. Those who desire to follow
this love must walk the walk, carry their cross and be crucified in
My crucifiable love and mercy. Peace this day, little one, as the
mysticism of My love unfolds in all its wonders. AD DEUM.”