Thursday Truth in Deep Love🤗❤️🙏
“Little one, today in My lesson to My people I want them to know that the amount of love they render in charity to their neighbor is the amount of love they have for Me. Ponder My Words and recognize your position with your neighbor. Evaluate your self-love which consists of conditions, and strive to love as I am Love. Practice! Purity of heart rises from unconditional service and charity.”(From Jesus to Gianna below)
Most of the weight we carry in life comes from the fact that we’re so immersed in “other people’s opinions” about what’s happening around us, that we really don’t get outside of our “selves” enough to formulate valid “opinions” on our own. And we certainly value our own “opinion” more than we value truth or love, as we fly by the seat of our (often collective)egos casting hatred and fear amongst our brethren for no other reason than we spend too much time immersed in “media” and not enough time awake to the reality around us. And our “media,” corporations, and political parties divide us by intent, because it’s how they stay relevant. Whether it be food or pharmaceutical companies, or just people lying to us about politics in general, we like to grasp at the trinkets they hurl at us because it makes us feel important when we repeat the things they tell us, even though our “research” into what we repeat is typically shoddy. We suck in just enough to give ourselves “talking points,” yet remain deaf to anything that contradicts our “worldview” in any given moment. We stunt our own personal growth because we follow the crowd without discernment, and we become liars by proxy for no other reason than that intellectual laziness gives us boosts of dopamine that stave off boredom, and lord knows we must be entertained. At least I must, which often makes me guilty as well.
Jesus calls us to be different from that, as it isn’t easy to “heal the sick and cast out demons” if we’re too busy passing judgement on others to love them as Jesus calls us to do.
“Politics” will always be around, but it isn’t our opinions that foment positive change, but our love that we render unto others that makes the world around us better. This is when we have to decide between love and fear, and between the conscience and the ego.
I pray that we all dive deep in this season of division. That we ask God to illuminate our consciences and show us His Truth, and His Peace that passes all understanding, so that we might live lives that are eternally relevant, and not just relevant in the given moment. That we bring His Love to the table in all things, for He is the Way, the Truth, and the Life, and only through love for ourselves and for every soul we touch, can we remain all in, and totally His. Our world depends on it, and our eternity depends on it.❤️🙏
(Reflection by Kenny Meek)
Message from Jesus to Gianna Talone Sullivan, I am Your Jesus of Mercy Vol V
Lesson #4
In private chapel at home
January 6, 1995
My little one, My love for you will never cease. My love for My people will never cease. I carry the wounds in My Most Sacred Heart from all the division and wicked ways so many have chosen to pursue. But in My love I will never turn from them, for My door is open to all who desire to enter. It is My people who cease to grow in My love and cease loving Me. They are imperfect in love and grow slack in their journey when they cease to love their neighbor and render service to them. When you withdraw charity from your neighbor because there is no consolation for your own profit, your love is impure. The amount of love you share with your neighbor through charity and unconditonal service is proportional to the amount of love you have for Me. To have the treasure of eternal life in Me your love must be pure.
I love all unconditonally and reward each according to their labor of love. Do you not see, little one, that virtues are developed through openness and unconditional charity to one another? Few arrive at the optimum perfection of love because they first seek self-love and give only as a result of what they can receive in return.
How blessed are those who desire Me by giving unconditionally to their neighbor the charity and love so much needed. Blessed are those who do not seek self-love but self-knowledge in the truth of My Divinity. Blessed are those who venture in My love, risking all entities beneficial to themselves without seeking consolation in retum. These are My people who trust in My Divine Mercy and humbly submit to My Will. I have so much to give but few who will truly remain faithful to Me without turning away. Many desire Me but then close the door to their hearts when opportunities do not prove profitable for them.
Little one, today in My lesson to My people I want them to know that the amount of love they render in charity to their neighbor is the amount of love they have for Me. Ponder My Words and recognize your position with your neighbor. Evaluate your self-love which consists of conditions, and strive to love as I am Love. Practice!
Purity of heart rises from unconditional service and charity. Perfection of love will become the gem which will brighten the path to the throne of God the Father. Peace, little one. My love to My beloved People. AD DEUM.