Saturday Truth in Deep Love🤗❤️🙏
“Place before Me all desires, and I shall take pleasure in fulfilling the good deeds and extinguishing the bad ones. Be expedient then, in fighting the flesh of the mind until it is content with very little, and pleased in being simple and ordinary.”(From Jesus to Gianna below)
It feels like so many “ministries” attached to the name of Jesus, huge ministries, or bureaucracies even, get it wrong by advocating “abundance,” self gratification, and appeasement of the “self” or the ego. They collect hundreds of thousands of dollars doing that as they go “big,” and as the old adage goes, “the bigger they get, the harder they fall.” The Archdiocese of Baltimore is in a state of moral and fiscal bankruptcy in both the abstract and literal senses, as they’ve scrambled to cover up for their own misdeeds. We’ve watched over the decades as so many “tv preachers” have fallen from grace as they gravitate towards “sins of the flesh,” whether they be power, money, or sex related, and hurt the credibility of Christianity at large because they’ve not only failed, but betrayed Jesus as they lead others off the paths of righteousness. Similar things happened to the ministry surrounding Gianna, as they grew too big, and became a threat to the corrupt archdiocese that shut them down. Sadly, that was also God’s will, but I know why it had to happen, as there was a “cancer” of sorts growing within there as well. Fortunately, that’s no longer an issue, as that presumed “leadership” is now no longer involved.
How many of us as Christians really get our “hands dirty” being Christians? Are we going to church to get prayers for financial relief? Or so our family members might abstain from alcohol or drugs? Or are we really willing to step outside of our comfort zones when we leave the pews on Sunday? Are we going to sit behind our desks and “preach” what we think we know? Or are we going to go out, engage, and actually perform acts of service that might set a good Christian example and lead others to follow?
I made note in my head just the other day that many of the world’s philanthropists, have motives that are evil and corrupt, on the local, national, and global levels, as the ego often drives the motivation for success in our perceived “charitability.” What once began with good intentions, grows to a place of success, and rather than turn that “success” back into the project and use it for greater good, that success gets reflected back upon the leadership, and they sit back, collect huge salaries, and receive accolades for all the “good” they’ve done in the world. The Glory intended for God gets placed back upon some human ego, and The Word becomes blurred as we become led astray from that which cleanses and purifies us.
Not all ministries are like that, but many are, and unfortunately, the ones that “are” tend to get the most attention, subject themselves to the most scrutiny, and leave society jaded because they’ve used Our Lord’s Name in vain for personal gain, or appeasement of the ego.
As Jesus has so beautifully demonstrated, all things must die that new life might rise, and if we keep ourselves focused on the little things, the tiny ways we can help, we create a more grounded and rooted path in His Name, that others can truly follow without fear of being taken advantage of. Our bureaucracies and churches will be cleansed by Him, but it’s up to us little folks to provide a basis for Him to work through, with, and in us, that the path we’re leading others down is pure and holy. All of us will endure successes and failures in this, but the successes will indeed outweigh the failures, if we stay on the path, in “little ways,” and remain all in, and totally His.❤️🙏
(Reflection by Kenny Meek)
Message from Jesus to Gianna Talone Sullivan, I am Your Jesus of Mercy Vol III
JUNE 18, 1990
My dear child, conform all your desires to My Will and to My good pleasure. Be on guard not to be a lover of yourself, but to earnestly and ardently love Me. My people have yet, much to learn. They are eager and are inclined to do good, but they do not restrain themselves to be reserved to the Will of God! Many times their desires supersede with eagerness and prevent the Will of God from being fulfilled.
Be balanced, reserved; and restrain from hastily carrying out your desires, lest you deceive yourself and be displeased with what you thought would please you!
Place all your desires and intentions before Me and do not be self-seeking. Be certain that your desires are not of your own, but of My desire, which will bring good fortune. Allow My Will to be fulfilled and carried out. Therefore, in any eager desire, restrain and be disciplined to the Will of God by waiting patiently and in prayerful contemplation.
My Will is completed quietly and peacefully. So do not react in the moment of emotion, whether you think it be good or bad! Use restraint in all inclinations and conform to the Will of God. Desires, which appear good, may not be fulfilled and, on the contrary, inclinations which may not appear good, may not be rejected!
Place before Me all desires, and I shall take pleasure in fulfilling the good deeds and extinguishing the bad ones. Be expedient then, in fighting the flesh of the mind until it is content with very little, and pleased in being simple and ordinary.
Place all your desires before Me, and conform to My Will and good pleasure. Be patient people, after you have submitted to My Will, and rejoice for good fortune has befallen you!