Saturday Truth in Deep Love🤗❤️🙏

“There is a difference between loving yourself and being self-centered! You need to empty yourself continually abandoning yourself to the Will of God. Do not chase after the things of this world. Chase only heavenly desires, for everything will perish that is of the world. The more you strip yourself of your own will, the more of yourself you can sincerely give to one another.”(From Jesus to Gianna below)

Many of us tend to grow up in some semblance of “survival mode,” as the adults around us aren’t perfect, and the other kids around us are often even farther from perfect than the adults. We can often develop “character flaws” that we might have to “grow out of” if we expect to become better humans. Things like jealousy, gossip, putting down others to try to make ourselves look good, passive aggression, and other things that we wouldn’t gravitate to if not for our own insecurity. I’ve done and been all of these things, and often wince and tremble when reflecting upon times when I handled things poorly in weak attempts at keeping my own ego intact. Trying to “raise myself” at the expense of others.
Fortunately I’ve been blessed to have been able to apologize for much of that behavior, and there are still probably emotional wounds I’ve inflicted upon people that I may never be able to apologize for. For those, I can only forgive myself as I ask God to forgive me, that I might constantly work to make amends for my own past “errors in judgment.”
Meanwhile, how DO we rise from the ashes of our own narcissism?
I think the meme below sums it up pretty nicely, and if we allow God to accompany us as we pour our hearts and souls into love for others, somewhere and somehow we will manage to find ourselves in a place of love for ourselves. Real love. Not some facade that we have to try to maintain in order to “save face” when we’re being less than God calls us to be. If we love others, we can better love ourselves, and if we’re truly loving ourselves, it’s also much easier to love others. And in this love, our personal growth expands like a snowball rolling down a hill, and our “work in progress” rapidly and readily serves His Kingdom that our example might be light for others that they might also grow.
We can never reach true happiness without self love. It isn’t possible. What we can do is control our environment. Rejecting gossip when it hits our ears. Distancing ourselves from the “bullies” in our lives who can’t exist without chaos. Not allowing ourselves to be “sucked in” to the hate propaganda that our media and political parties spew in their “quest for power.” And first and foremost, being humble, for without humility, we are nothing. Is “humble opinion” an oxymoron? Probably, because while I might use those words “in my humble opinion,” I rarely come across an opinion that’s actually humble. And upon reflection, I need to realize that my “opinion” probably isn’t all that humble either.
We better love ourselves by pouring love into others. It’s a no brainer equation, that expands God’s Heavenly Kingdom as we expand ourselves through growth in Our Lord. Only through deep deep love, can we keep our hearts and souls all in, and totally His. Always a “work in progress.”❤️🙏
(Reflection by Kenny Meek)

Message from Jesus to Gianna Talone Sullivan, I am Your Jesus of Mercy Vol IV
My dear one do not be caught up in yourself because it
will only hinder your growth. There is a difference between loving yourself and being self-centered! You need to empty yourself continually abandoning yourself to the Will of God. Do not chase after the things of this world. Chase only heavenly desires, for everything will perish that is of the world. The more you strip yourself of your own will, the more of yourself you can sincerely give to one another.
Let go of those things you hold bound. Let yourself be free, and you will be free of heart! Then all your oppressions will vanish. Your fear will disappear, and you will experience the joy of purity and intimacy. Do not worry what people say about you. Remember, I can deliver you from any circumstance caused to harm you.
There is no need to worry what someone will say about you. Everyone must answer to Me for their actions. Anyone who hurts you will only hurt themselves. Do not waste energy on those who harbor hatred, and are your enemy because of envy and jealousy. If you exert your energy trying to receive the acceptance of your enemies by pleasing them, you will always lose! They will only sidetrack and use you for their gain. This is not an act of mercy for you!
Be giving to those open to receive. Be giving to those who cannot give. Be giving to those who are not willing to receive, but have a clean heart. Avoid the evil. I will handle their unfair and deceitful actions. Never be afraid of what others say to you. Simply keep your focus on Me. Do not do worry if you experience defeat. I will take care of you and deliver you to freedom.
Trust in Me. You wish to trust in yourself over trusting in Me. Those who love the things of the world apart from Me gain nothing, and do not know anything of truth or wisdom.
I am with you in all of your suffering. Persist, and do not give up! Stand firm in your trust of Me over the trust of yourself. I want you to love yourself dearly. I want you to embrace yourself. There is no vision that is of such great importance that it would supersede the love I want you to have of yourself. In this way, you love Me. I want this for all My people. I do not desire for you to be self-centered, seeking and chasing the things of this world, but I do desire you to love yourself purely and keep me in sight, surrendering and continually emptying yourself in order to follow the way of love, truth, hope and mercy.
Bless you, My dear people. Be at peace.