Sunday Truth in Deep Love🤗❤️🙏

“Mercy is love, is forgiveness. It is My goodness, which flows out as a Divine blessing. It is not having pity. It is showing pity by loving and forgiving to the deepest level of My people’s souls. When you have mercy on one another, you share in My glory and My Divinity by dwelling in My Kingdom. My Divinity is goodness.”(From Jesus to Gianna below)

I’ve been really bad in the last few weeks or so about practicing what I preach in my writing, as I’ve been allowing my own angst over matters to cause me to focus on what Satan hath wrought, rather than God’s Mercy towards not only others, but to myself. A dear friend brought it to my attention yesterday, yet I’ve been feeling it for weeks, as situations are “put in front of me” fomenting this “righteous anger” in me that is definitely not of Him. While I don’t watch “news,” so many of us become so propagated by what we see in the “news,” that it has no choice but to affect others, and they “tell two friends” and so on, and the things I intentionally try to avoid seem to make their way to me anyway. It doesn’t help when the church where we seek refuge from all of that becomes a bastion for much of it, and I’m going to leave that right there, and turn to the solution aspect.
We are all called to love, not to “inform,” at least not in the political sense, yet how do we turn off this “information” process that everyone including myself feels so compelled to render? Or even to defend ourselves from, as most of us are familiar with God’s Law, and what’s right and wrong, yet we are tasked with bringing love to the table when we’re having things thrusted upon us that are not of Him?
The answer that keeps coming to me, and it is in fact the right answer, is to love them and to pray for them. To open our hearts and give them some of what we have, or at least try to have, and to love them, because if we don’t, then we become lost ourselves. As Martin Luther King said; we can’t fight “hate with hate.” By the same token, we can’t fight racism with racism, as many factions are trying to do, and we can’t fight intolerance with intolerance, yet every ego including mine tends to want to do these things as we try to adjust every non utopian thing to our own liking. Sometimes we have to live like the parent who knows their child is lying, yet know that exposing the lie isn’t always the way to go, and come from a place of love that allows all consciences to to find their way to the truth, and to realize that God’s evolutionary processes will render all things good with time, and that our task is to remain patient, and to love, no matter what’s thrown at us, even if it’s death, as Jesus so profoundly demonstrated.
I am very blessed to have a spouse and friends who endure similar angst, and we can talk about these things and keep ourselves and each other accountable in prayer and through conversation as we work through these things and to stay in a place of love. To keep ourselves in check when we start to gossip, and to cut it off before it even starts. To stay in a constant prayer mode that keeps Satan as far in our “rear view mirrors” as possible so that we remain aware as to avoid, but constantly move away from as we move forward in God’s Love and focus all attention on Him.
And most of all, to be merciful as God is merciful with us, as only then can we love from a place that is all in, and totally His.❤️🙏
(Reflection by Kenny Meek)

Message from Jesus to Gianna Talone Sullivan, I am Your Jesus of Mercy
JANUARY 12, 1989
I wish to tell you how My people destroy their gifts by destroying one another! My people live in anger, in bitterness and in fear. My people take matters into their own hands as a way to seek revenge on one another. They think this will gain them power.
I, your Lord, tell My people to have mercy on Me by having mercy on one another…and My people do not listen!
They show their love for Me by seeking revenge on one another. They show their love for Me with anger and rage. This is not mercy! What is “Mercy?”
Mercy is love, is forgiveness. It is My goodness, which flows out as a Divine blessing. It is not having pity. It is showing pity by loving and forgiving to the deepest level of My people’s souls.
When you have mercy on one another, you share in My glory and My Divinity by dwelling in My Kingdom. My Divinity is goodness.
If I do not hesitate to give you all that I have, would I not share My Divinity with you? I tell you:
My Kingdom, and all I have, is yours! There is nothing I would not give to you!
I gave My life for you, so that you could have life. Now, I tell you, that I give My Kingdom, My Glory and My Divinity to those who seek it!
You know that to dwell in My Kingdom and to share in My Divinity and goodness, you must share My love by having mercy. There are so many of My people who need My mercy.
I am now here to shed My mercy!
My child, people will say to you that this is a personal matter between you and your God. I tell you, this is not a personal matter! This is for My people of this world.
I wish to save them, and to invite them to live one with me in My Kingdom. They must begin to love and to have mercy on one another. My people mush not take lightly these words, for My Father will not take ntly the consequences to come for not adhering to His Command!
Return and restore the beauty of one another by loving and having mercy. Stop your killings. Stop, I tell you, and love! You are destroying the goodness of My Father’s King-dom, which He gave to you’ Fight the evil one! Do not join his side! Fight him with prayers and love! Please, hear My plea!
Your world is being destroyed, and it is you who are destroying it through hatred and indifference. Return to good and pure ways. Begin by having mercy on one another. Begin lov-ing. Begin having respect. Begin treating one another with dignity. BEGIN!
The day will come when the people, who do not believe these words, will know that what I have spoken is true, and it will be their sorrow… for it will be too late!
My child, I, your Lord, love My people. I wish for My people to restore peace by living in peace.