Sunday Truth in Deep Love🤗❤️🙏

“One of the many gifts as you receive My Holy Spirit is that of mercy. When you allow My Divine Love to flow from you, out to someone who is in need, that is My mercy flowing out from Me. When you, or any of My children, have mercy on someone, it is equivalent to Me having mercy on that same person…because of My Spirit, which dwells in you.
Mercy is a missing link in loving. You cannot love without being able to have mercy. You cannot have mercy if you do not love!”(From Jesus to Gianna below)

How do I maintain a “spirit of mercy” when I have “inner thoughts” about verbally “slapping people silly” on a daily basis? I was lurking around a prayer group yesterday as they were sharing similar thoughts on this same topic, and it seems there are very few of if any of us who aren’t in this same “boat.” They were reflecting on times when “mercy” really hasn’t been their strong suit, and I realize that I get “waves of anger” that pass through me every day in a similar way. We allow our ego to overrule our conscience, at least on the interior, and we often drive ourselves a little bonkers, practicing lines in our heads that are far from “merciful.”
We live in a society of “over reactors,” and people can often be jerks merely for the sake of being jerks, yet, we somehow have to “rise above” all of that if we’re going to face our true calling, which is love and mercy.
I do have a growing “list” of “go to mantras” that can bring inner peace in these situations, albeit often “temporary peace,” for inner peace can be a hard thing to maintain with a “world” that constantly pokes and prods us towards hatred;

The Litany of Humility,
The Prayer of St Francis,
The sorrowful mysteries of The Rosary, that remind us of the ultimate sacrifice that was given to us as Jesus gave all.
The Psalms(as well as many other elements of scripture that focus on sacrifice and humility)
The writings of the great saints, particularly the Carmelites like St Therese, St Theresa of Avila, and St John of The Cross.

These as well as a plethora of other things can help us to realign and humble ourselves, tools that we can reach for that are as close as a “Google” or “Kindle purchase.”
And sometimes we have to just fall on our knees, and ask Him for relief and inner peace, as I suspect all of us will live our lives as “works in progress” where this is concerned.
To “love one another” as Jesus has loved us is probably the greatest challenge we as Christians will face on the daily, so it is important that we do everything we can to “keep ourselves in that place.” To keep love at the forefront of our consciences in every interaction, for without love we are nothing.
As the song goes; “one day at a time, Sweet Jesus.” Practicing, and maintaining a spirit of love, that will keep our souls “all in and totally His.” And asking for His help, for He is always at the ready to do just that.
May we let Him all in, that He might keep us on the path of love and mercy, for it’s the only way to redemption, as we walk in The Way, The Truth, and The Life. That His Kingdom come, and His Will be done. Through our steadfast love, and humility.❤️🙏
(Reflection by Kenny Meek)

Message from Jesus to Gianna Talone Sullivan, I Am Your Jesus of Mercy Vol I
NOVEMBER 7, 1988
My dear one, as you have seen, My people are deaf to the words of your Lord. How belittling it is to Me for them to seek help without first asking for the source of their help…the gift of Myself!
People do not listen. They did not listen back in My age and they still do not listen now. They hear what they want to hear. They select their words over Mine.
My impatience with their selection is deepening. Your prayers are comforting My impatience. It is because of My children that I am a generous and patient God. I long to fill My people with so many special gifts, but they will not allow Me, because I am in line in their selection process.
My people will not let Me be their God! They make Me out to be Who they think I should be. How much longer do you think this can continue before man corrupts the gift of this world totally? Man expects to accomplish on his own.
The pain I feel is because the beauty of this world was once given as a symbol of the love of God.
Today you gave up a special time with Me, so that you could help My other children. When you comforted My children, you comforted Me.
I would now like to instruct you about My mercy. What is mercy? Who deserves My mercy? Who asks for mercy?
Mercy is the Divine power of My love, which flows out on to whomever seeks it.
One of the many gifts as you receive My Holy Spirit is that of mercy. When you allow My Divine Love to flow from you, out to someone who is in need, that is My mercy flowing out from Me. When you, or any of My children, have mercy on someone, it is equivalent to Me having mercy on that same person…because of My Spirit, which dwells in you.
Mercy is a missing link in loving. You cannot love without being able to have mercy. You cannot have mercy if you do not love! I know this seems very much for you, but you must know the truth.
My people ask for My mercy, but they will not give My mercy, because they select not to love, or they select who they desire to love.
God does not select… neither should His people.
What makes man think he is rich enough that he has the right to love one person and not another? I mean pure love, not sexual love. Man even distorts what love is. A man with 10 shillings is richer than a man with 5, until a man with 20 shillings comes along. That does not mean that the man with 10 shillings has more power to select who he loves than the man with 5 shill-ings, and the same holds true for the man with 20 shillings.
If you want to have mercy on someone, you need to love that person! If you want mercy in return, you need to allow yourself to be loved!
Mercy, love, Divine power is all possible through all My people, if they would listen and ask for the gifts I wish to pour out on them through My Spirit.