Saturday Truth in Deep Love🤗❤️🙏
“Much of the world today does not desire sanctification through the means of My cross. Many people (a very great percentage currently in your world) desire to reach sanctification through their own designs.”(From Jesus to Gianna below)
Although I would gladly do so, I am not fit to wash the feet of Jesus, yet I have no doubt He would wash mine without hesitation. I operate at a level of weakness where I often “block the one who trolls me” on Facebook, because we do at some point have to keep Satan at bay, and I don’t know how to do that without removing people from my sphere who would otherwise cause disruption and a level of chaos that is not of Him. Some souls just have to be prayed for and handed over to Him who is strong, as opposed to dealt with by me who is weak.
Jesus, somewhere in these volumes, (I don’t remember where to cite it) instructs us “not to debate,” but to love and to teach and learn by example. Satan does send his minions to cause disruption and chaos around us, and those we must leave to Him, for few of us are powerful enough to battle Satan on his turf without divine intervention, and that’s when we must retreat into prayer, and hand them over to Him. Lest we poison our own “flock,” which only hurts the Kingdom at Large.
In these instances I can only pray and ask for forgiveness, as God’s Plan unfolds around us, and leave those aspects of our spiritual battles to Him. To humble myself in The Way, The Truth, and The Life, and to remember that pride is of the enemy. Jesus died on the cross for me, the least I can do is humble myself for Him. I may be called a “coward” in that form of retreat, but there are narratives out there with narcissistic personalities behind them. These people are above the “pay grade” of most of us, and avoidance is often the only option. I do believe we will be forgiven for protecting ourselves and other members of His flock when we refuse to feed that which Satan hath wrought.
I do believe our role in this is to fall on our knees in gratitude, for Jesus will redeem and protect us, if we but remain immersed in His Light, and allow Him to cast away the darkness that surrounds us as the world’s political powers gather followers and lead them astray.
To remind ourselves constantly that there is only one way to The Father, and that it’s through, with, and in Him, with humility and gratitude. To open our souls to Him, and allow Him to take us in His loving arms, so that our worldly journey remains all in, and totally His.❤️🙏
(Reflection by Kenny Meek)
Message from Jesus to Gianna Talone Sullivan, I Am Your Jesus of Mercy Vol V
Lesson # 22
In private chapel at home
October 5, 1995
My dear little one, My blessing of peace is for all who desire it. My blessing, however, encompasses both love and pain; for both good and evil exist. If only love existed, joy would sustain the world; but there also exists evil, and much pain and sorrow have surfaced.
My peace is for all who experience love, joy and pain or sorrow.
My peace can exist in all situations and circumstances. My peace is unending, and it is abiding in the grace of My love. Many of My beloved people are suffering on the cross, yet they know the cross is their sanctification, which glorifies the Father; and therefore, they accept the will of God and possess great peace. Much of the world today does not desire sanctification through the means of My cross. Many people (a very great percentage currently in your world) desire to reach sanctification through their own designs.
They desire to travel a path marked with fallacies and superficial piety which lead only to further degradation, corruption and chaos.
No longer do My people desire to follow My Word. Instead they desire to revise My Word and then follow it. In revising the Word, they live a word made by humankind. My people no longer are open for Me to be their God. Their hearts have grown cold, and they have grown stubborn in their ways.
I, your Lord God Who Am, desire to free all from captivity. I would free them from their enemies. I would fill them with the finest gifts. But they desire not to heed My voice, so I have left them to their own designs in their stubborness. They desire to be free from the cross, and they desire a foreign god. These are My people who no longer desire Me to be their God. I Am Who Am! I Am the Lord God. I made the Word. I Am the Word. The Word cannot change, for I Am. There can be no other god, for I Am. But I will leave My people to their designs, and then the time will come when all will know the truth. My love and unfathomable mercy will never cease.
The only boundary will be what My people place before Me and themselves. I will never change, and I will continue to wait for all to come to Me. All are invited. My doors will remain open for all until the designated time when My Father closes them after He releases His angels to unseal the scrolls of judgment for the World. Now I continue to wait and accept even the least prayer for mercy. I continue to take the few people of the world whose prayer is to remain faithful to Me.
I take their prayer and place it in My Most Sacred Heart. I store their prayers and will release My mercy because of their faithfulness.
God is infinite, little one, and My people have made mockery of My truth. Many have made mockery of My beloved Vicar on earth and have systemized and categorized moral values. My Heart is saddened by their denial of the truth, but I will not invade their domineering force because of their free will and because I am not invited to free them. I am meek, humble and gentle of heart. I love all people; and yet, all may walk away from Me and I will still love them. Judgment will come at the time My Father wills. Only then will they know the opportunity of life they have forfeited by denying the Word and revising it to meet their own designs. Pray for all people, for unity and fidelity to God. It only takes a few to change the world, a few people who are committed and devoted to the Truth at all costs. I bless you, little one, as I bless all MY people. My blessing rests on all who receive it unconditionally and gratefully. Peace. AD DEUM.