“Every moment of your life is in My hands, in My hands of love, safety and protection. As you are subjected to trials and tribulations, confidence in Me will allow you to surrender and accept all which is sent to you with patience
and meekness of heart. You never have to fear because in the end
I will rescue you.”(From Gianna below)

“Surrender.” That sounds like we’re “giving up,” but it means nothing of the sort. It just means we’re allowing Him to take the wheel in complete trust, love and devotion. When we think we’re having it bad, all we have to do is walk with Jesus in His passion, death, and resurrection in knowing that no matter what trials we go through, God’s Glory will be upon us if we surrender everything, I mean everything, including our lives, to Him. All of these trials of the world are temporary, whether they be war, famine, or adversities more local and personal to our own being. When we make that decision, when we say “YES,” and completely open ourselves up to the light that He shines upon us, he will envelope us in that beautiful promised mantle of love that transcends anything wevevever experienced in this worldly life. Surrender means devoting time every day to pour our hearts and souls out to Him in complete and perfect humility and trust. If one has never prayed the Rosary, it would be a good thing to learn and start doing, as it is the perfect way to walk through the entire Gospel with our Lord and His Blessed Mother, from the moment of Her “YES,” to His passion, death and resurrection. It’s a perfect meditational mantra to hold us steady as we allow Him to walk with us through every aspect of His Truth. We have to remember that God is everything, and our only path through this world and into eternity is through, with and in Him. In perfect love, and complete surrender. All in, and totally His.❤️🙏

As told to Gianna Talone Sullivan, I am Your Jesus of Mercy Vol V
In private chapel at home
October 27, 1995
My Hands of Love, Safety and Protection
“My dear little one, I am a God for all people. I created all which
is in existence. I love all people for I created all people. There is
nothing I cannot do or accomplish. I Am Who Am. I want all My
people to know how tender, kind and loving I am. I do not want
My people to be afraid of Me. The way to follow Me is to live My
Word in simplicity. When you are confused, call on Me. Follow My
Way in simplicity and remain patient. My saints were tempted and
confused, and they met with many desolations, but they practiced
patience for they knew I would come to their aid. Much unfolds
for your sanctification and growth in humility. I will come in due
time to give the consolation needed. Be at peace and do not lose
focus on your Jesus.
Confidence in My love, and trust in My assistance to help you
are key elements. You hold the power in your own heart to unfold
and control outcomes to many issues. The power is in the level of
confidence you have in Me. The more confident and trusting you
are of Me, the more pleasure you will take in maintaining peace of
heart and the more freedom you will experience because of your
security in My love. You will not be worried or concerned as to
the future, but you will be more surrendered and detached. Power
rests in your heart through confidence because you will know that
I will ensure that all will go as God wills and everything will be for
your happiness. When you place your confidence in Me, you never
have to worry about your future. Every moment of your life is in
My hands, in My hands of love, safety and protection. As you
are subjected to trials and tribulations, confidence in Me will allow
you to surrender and accept all which is sent to you with patience
and meekness of heart. You never have to fear because in the end
I will rescue you. This does not mean that you will be free in your
life from all trials, humiliations, mortifications or desolations, for
all come from heaven to prepare you for the glory of My Father’s
Kingdom. It does mean that utilizing the gift of confidence and
trust in My Divine love and mercy will free you, protect your soul,
and gain you sanctification. It takes many opportunities to practice
humility and patience before perfection reaches sainthood. It is how
you prepare to reach the finish line.
Always strive to be loving and master all trials and tribulations
through trust and confidence. Even if you initially fail, you have not
failed. Each time you have gained wisdom and have practiced the
virtues of humility and patience. Each time you become more like
Me until you are in Me in Divine love and mercy. Never lose sight of
the fact that I am always with you and that I am your God, a God
for all people for I created all things in existence and all people. I
am a loving God. I love all My people. Nothing unfolds unless it
is allowed by My Father. Therefore, confidence in Him will secure
your safety and position in His Kingdom. Trust that what unfolds
in your life is to release you from the chains of this world and to
gain for you true freedom and joy. There is so much you cannot
see around you which inhibits your growth. My Father sees and
knows what will truly make you happy. Trust in God! Trust in your
Jesus of Mercy! TRUST! TRUST! TRUST! Do not say “yes” and
then try to take back your “yes”. Make your “yes” a “YES” andTRUST! Be patient. Be filled with hope and anticipation of the freedom and joy to come. Peace, little one, to you and My beloved ones, My people. Peace. AD DEUM”