
25. Hiddenness 

My dear child, do you understand why it is important now to remain “little” and silent in your heart?  It is best to keep the treasure of knowledge, which is granted to you from my Father, hidden in the silence of your heart.  The more you reveal to people, the more they want to prove themselves worthy.  The more they dislike you, they open their hearts for the vice of the sin of jealousy to enter.  People will even go as far as to destroy your entire identity if you allow them.  It is important to simply observe the actions of others.  You will find out who is an authentic friend and follower of my Truth.

My father desires that humanity see Me in each other.  See Me in your children.  See me in your family, friends, acquaintances, work partners, and even your enemies.  It is necessary each moment, as best you can, to be aware that when you are interacting with someone, you see Me.  

I could prevent any mishappenings, wars, or unfortunate illnesses from surfacing.  I could cure and save nations by providing signs and miracles.  I could let the entire world know I am the Just Judge and Savior, but I remain hidden and silent so that I may reveal, purge and sanctify.  The time is nearing, however, when all of humanity will have the opportunity to see their wrong doings and inner selves in order to be able to focus on the Truth of God and change; but now and throughout history, I have remained mostly silent and hidden.  

When I was seven, I will tell now you what happened:

My mother was sitting on her stool, praying in the evening with my father.  I ran up to her, jumped on her lap, put my nose right up to her nose, and looked into her eyes.  With my two hands I patted her cheeks and said, “Hi, momma, whatcha doing?”  

“We’re praying, Son, and giving praise to the Almighty for His wondrous works today.  As the day draws to a close it is very necessary to always thank God for His assistance, and we reflect on how we can do better in our failings and interactions.”  

“Yes, Son,” Joseph replied, “how could I perhaps have given more in charity to aid my neighbor at the shop, and how could I have been more compassionate and loving?”  

I replied to my father Joseph, “Was someone mean to you today, father?”  

“Jesus,” My mother said, “there are many people who may be in need, who desire more, or who are ill and even dying.  We ponder why they suffer so much pain alone, and we strive to help them and to love them the best we can without offending their honor or dignity.  God desires all to assist one another and to see His Light in each person.  In His infinite Wisdom, God deems what is necessary for eternal happiness and safety.  We cannot solve everyone’s needs, but we can love them and support them spiritually as they go through their sufferings.  The Almighty knows what each person needs for salvation.  Many people resist, become angry, have other passions, or do mean things to others; and because of this, some people suffer injustice or are imprisoned, and maybe even killed.  God watches from above in hopes that they will choose Life through Love.”  

“I will change that, momma.  I will save the world so they will no longer suffer.  Then when they look at each other, they will see Me,” I said while patting my mother’s cheeks.  “Anyone who sees Me will be happy.”

My father Joseph looked at me with a curious look and question in his eyes.

I said, “It’s OK.  I will save the world.  I will teach them the Truth, and everyone will be happy forever!”

“Even so, Son,” my mother answered, “how you teach is important and that it is done in a hidden, loving manner.  As God the Father remains hidden and watchful, so too must you.  All must learn the Will of the Father and live it in His Light, Love and Peace.”

“Yes, momma.  Alright, I will be hidden.”  Off I jumped from her lap and ran into the other room.  My parents continued to pray quietly and together in peaceful union.

(Our Lord continues.)

You see, my dear one, my mother and father Joseph taught me, as all parents have a responsibility to teach their children.  My Mother taught me the hidden way to follow in the footsteps of My Father the Almighty.  That is not to say that I remained silent always, especially when I witnessed wrong doings, like when they made My Father’s House look like a market place.  I learned through the social graces of My parents in the world when to speak and when to observe.  

God the Father remained silent throughout history in times of devastations and sufferings, even through My Death.  This is the Mystical Union.  Those who remain loyal and faithful in their suffering are joined in Union with the Trinity.  I do not interrupt this Union in times of tragedy or sufferings, unless willed by My Father.  Otherwise, I would have spared the tragedies and sufferings of those dear to Me when I walked the earth.  

The fulfillment of salvation came through My Sacrificial Offering; and each person has the opportunity through their own suffering to join in this Mystical Union of My Love, Faithfulness and Loyalty to God the Father, just as I was loyal and faithful to Him.  

Unfortunately, far too often the free choice in the human will, the lack of love, and poor choices cause suffering and even destruction; such as is the case in war. But even in these occurrences, God the Father gives each person the opportunity to join Him and the Holy Trinity in this Mystical Union.