
31. The Love of My Mother

I was sitting on My mother’s lap facing her.  She was looking at Me.  I put both my hands out (palms down) towards her.  She kissed both my hands, one first and then the other.  Then I turned My hands over.  She kissed the other side of My hands, one first and then the other.  I did this three times, and each time she kissed My hands.  Then I put My hands on her neck, and I laid My little head on her shoulder.

She held me ever so lovingly.  She did not say anything to me.  Our Love for one another joined the Love of the Holy Trinity.  How important this is for people to take time to love one another.  A moment’s rest, a prayerful smile, a genuine look of concern, all send the love and embrace of comfort My mother gave to Me, joined with the Love of the Holy Trinity.  

When I was little, times like that gave me the strength later to endure and persevere the torment and agony from people’s lack of love.  There were moments when I was young that I never wanted to leave My mother’s arms.  That is why I held on to her for comfort.  I would experience a fear of being alone and abandoned.  I did not know at that age what the extent of my anguish later would entail, but I would feel alone and frightened.

My mother would hold me.  She did not need to say anything.  I wanted her comfort.  I was safe with her.  She knew exactly how too calm me, love me and protect me with her motherly Love.  No one could replace the Love My mother had for Me and continues to have for Me as well as for all the children of the world.  She formed me in her womb, and my soul knew her well.

O’ would it be wise and well if people took these words of mine and placed them in their hearts!  Praise is ever fitting and necessary to comfort me and to assist in My designs.  All is in the Hands of God!  I am here and very much aware of the situations at hand.  Do not doubt in the Way of God, but believe and be glad.  

My mother will comfort you as she comforted me.  She will hold you, calm you, love you and protect you.  She is your Mother, too.  She will teach you as she taught Me.  She will show you the Way and lead you to Me.  She will take you the safest and most direct Way.  So, if you ever feel alone or abandoned, you too will  have the strength to endure and persevere.