
18. My Mother

My little one, before we continue on with My first lesson taught to Me by My mother, I want to talk about her daily life.  She lived a very ordinary life, and she did not make an impression, in the eyes of the people in Egypt or Nazareth, of anything out of the ordinary.  She was the wife of Joseph the carpenter, and she lived like any other woman.  She took care of the family and household chores, cooking and cleaning.  She was simply Mary, the wife of Joseph the carpenter, who had a Son named Jesus.   

What made her different then from the rest of the world?  Her “fiat” to God.  She lived with Me, through Me, for Me, and in Me.  I dwelt within her.  Every step of her life was in step with Mine.  She said “yes” to the Father and never took it back.  Whatever God wanted was acted out in her “yes”; including everything she felt, whether it be joy or sorrow, good health or suffering.   She said “yes” to the Archangel Gabriel, “yes” to becoming the spouse of Joseph, “yes” to a humble manger, “yes” to the exile into Egypt, “yes” to devoting her entire life to teaching Me and keeping Me hidden.  She said “yes” to when later it would be time to say good-bye  and let Me leave her as I began My public ministry.  She said “yes” to My Cross, My Death and My Resurrection; and she said “yes” to becoming the Mother of all peoples.

She kept within her heart all the treasures of My Life from My Birth to My Presentation, from when I was found in the Temple up through My Death.  She did not take it upon herself to discuss these events with anyone.  Her neighbors saw her willingness to help others in need, but never did she reveal the secrets of God, her Son, the Christ Child, King and Savior for all the world.  Her actions of purity spoke her way of life and told the story of Truth, and they quietly instructed people how to lead their lives.  The fruits of her spirit were those of Mine, namely: “love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, trustfulness, gentleness, and self control.”

She lived what would later become St. Paul’s own words of instruction to Christians in living the fruits of the Holy Spirit.  She was all to all people because I was all to her.  She now remains Mother for all people, because I am Savior for all people.  There is no distance between Us.  Where I am, there she is with Me.  This is what I want people to ponder, because I desire to dwell in all people and be one with them in every aspect of their lives and every avenue they walk, as I am One with My Mother.  

Whether you are a newborn baby or falling into decay as age develops, do not lose heart.  I can be equally as intimate and One with you through your faith in Me.  Take My words into your heart.

Peace, little one who is lost without me.  I love you and will never leave you.  Peace.