
8. The Three Kings

After the Presentation in the Temple we made our return back to our modest home in Bethlehem.  A typical day of my infancy consisted of laying nestled in the arms of My Mother sucking my nourishment from the splendor of her beauty.  My Mother would sing to me, talk to me, and rock me in my cradle, handcrafted by my father.  I was an infant who was well cared for by two loving parents whose love and charm made me very happy.  My father was very childlike and made me many stimulating objects to learn fundamental coordination and development skills.

During the initial months of My life when the Holy Family was living in peace, the three Wise Men joined and met one another beyond the Dead Sea.  They could all understand each other’s language and sought out the Star together.  They journeyed together from that point to Jerusalem.  When they entered Jerusalem they lost track of the Star which so brilliantly was guiding them.  

They ventured to King Herod’s residence in the upper city, whom they thought would surely direct them to their Messiah.  Upon hearing the three Wise Men’s request, King Herod summoned the royal palace’s chief priests to ask them from where the Messiah would come forth.  Their reply indicated that Scripture foretold the King Messiah of the world would blossom from Bethlehem.  Upon hearing this, King Herod instructed the Three Kings to notify him where the newborn “king” could be found so that he too could pay tribute to Him.  

As soon as the Three Wise Men left the gates of Jerusalem, once again did the Star reappear, more brilliant in bluish color than ever before.  The closer they traveled to Bethlehem, the more brilliant the light.  The Wise Men arrived in Bethlehem when I was 8 months of age.  They arrived in the late of night and rested in the Inn.  Upon break of day, news across town traveled that three Kings of different appearance and from different countries were visitors.

The angel of God, Gabriel, was sent to the youngest, most childlike shepherd once again to announce the arrival of the Kings, and to send the shepherds to gather the Kings and escort them to the Holy Family.  At the same time, Mirna, the servant from the Inn, was the first to rest eyes  upon the three Kings.  As the shepherds came to the town center where the Inn was located, Mirna directed them to the servant’s quarters of the Wise Men.  The Wise Men’s servants went to gather the Kings, and they all followed the shepherds to the simple house down one of the adjacent roads a ways from the Inn.

I was sitting on My mother’s lap in the kitchen when My mother’s eyes glanced up and saw the visitors.  My father was eating a piece of goat cheese and bread at the table.  He also looked up at the noticeably different people of nobility.  He stood up.  My mother said, “Peace be with you.  Please come in.”  I sat on her lap and clapped my hands!  For me, it was the first time I had seen the shining gems on the heads of the Kings and the rich colors of their clothing.  

The elder of the Kings explained the appearance of the Star and how their calculations and astronomical mapping had unveiled the birth of the Messiah.  They explained their long journey across the mountains and how each one had met each other beyond the Dead Sea and traveled to Jerusalem, and then to King Herod when the Star lots its brilliance.

In awe my father listened and was moved in humility.  It was then that my father invited them into our house.  Before that, even though my mother had invited them into our house, the Kings, out of respect for her and My father, would not enter until they explained their journey.  The Wise Men then entered, and bowing their heads, knelt at the feet of My mother as I continued to clap My hands.  They looked in awe as they venerated My glory.  

I was so happy to see them.  I tried to grab their chains.  I wanted to play with them.  Their bright clothing and tassels drew My attention.  The Kings’ servants brought in the gifts.  Each King presented his gift:  one of gold to be given to a King; one of incense indicating God; and one of myrrh indicating both the “human” man as well as God, and the bitterness of the flesh and the sting of death.  The gifts were explained to My mother and father as I inquisitively looked on, smiling and wanting to investigate.  

My mother invited them to sit down with us, but they would not.  They continued on bended knee with tears of joy in their eyes to contemplate the goodness of God.  Finally, My mother gave Me to the Kings to be held.  I liked that very much.  I could play with their chains, touch their sparkling hats, and feel their soft silk tunics.  It was quite an event.  The Kings did not leave Bethlehem right away.  They stayed two months in order to make their preparations to return back to their homelands and give their animals a rest.  

By the time they left I was walking, not very well, but none the less walking.  In fact I would like to tell you of my very first steps.  It was on an evening when the weather was delightful.  We, the Holy Family, had finished our humble meal and I was sitting on the floor in the gathering social room, part of the living quarters, and where the three Wise Men actually would come again to visit.  I was with My father; and as My mother came in and kneeled almost next to me, I in My joy to see her, pushed Myself up with My two hands, bent over onto My hind feet, smiled at her, and took one step towards her before I came tumbling down.  It was quite a joy to see Me stand up and the plop down.  These were happy, peaceful times.  

But let us now continue about the three Wise Men.  

The time came when they had to return to their countries.  They came to say good-bye; and although they did not want to depart from Me, they knew their mission was complete.  With tears in their eyes, they kissed My precious forehead, hands and feet, and bowed in humility.  My mother and father and I walked the three Kings outside.  I held the eldest King’s hand.  My mother said, “May God be with you.”  My father bowed to the Kings.  My mother bowed her head also and then took my hand to wave a blessing and good-bye to the guests.  Then the three Wise Men bowed to one another and left the house to mount their animals and return to their homelands.