
9. Our Flight into Egypt

When the Wise Men had come to Bethlehem, I was at the end of my 8th month of life.  The Kings stayed for 2 months and left when I was almost 11 months old.  They did not return to Jerusalem to report back to King Herod of My whereabouts.  An angel appeared to the eldest King in a dream and advised them of King Herod’s plot against Me.  The Wise Men discussed the dream and discerned that they would simply return to their countries by another route..  They also entrusted the dream to St. Joseph, who being a king himself in the eyes of God, gave confirmation to their discussion to avoid King Herod. The Three Wise Men saw My father, St. Joseph, as a just man and a guardian of purity and holiness.  My father’s riches were in God, and his manners were those of a great king; and the Wise Men knew of his wisdom.  

When King Herod realized the Wise Men were not returning and his intentions were discovered by the three Kings, he became furious.  I was 12 months old by the time King Herod realized the Kings were not returning to report to him.  I had just celebrated My first birthday.  Daddy, (St. Joseph) had made me a wooden lamb and My mother had woven Me a special quilt- like blanket to keep Me warm.  She prepared some special wheat cakes with honey, and the shepherds came to celebrate with us.  They sang songs and we all played little games.  That night I was sleeping calmly in My cradle when My father was awaken by his dream.  

God the Father sent His angel to tell My guardian father to take flight to Egypt immediately.  We had to escape quickly because King Herod was afraid of My innocence and power.  King Herod wanted to see My death.  St. Joseph arose calmly but quickly, and went to tell My mother who was by My cradle that we had to gather our belongings and leave by the dawn of the morning for Egypt.  She prepared all she could in an orderly fashion because the trip would be cold and long, and she knew that we might not be returning.  What was left behind could be lost forever.  

St. Joseph then left to tell the shepherds we had to leave, and made arrangements for our humble house.  The shepherds helped my guardian father gather the necessary livestock and donkeys for the trip.  How gracious the shepherds, My friends, to come to his assistance.  Their loyalty remained embedded in My Heart forever.  

10. The Holy Innocents 

We did not have much time.  King Herod had ordered the slaughter of all 32 male children, 2 years-old and younger.  By the time he organized and ordered the troops, we were leaving by donkey for Egypt.  One donkey was loaded with tools, another donkey  with our necessary items, and the third donkey was for My mother and Me.  We said good-bye too our friends as My father continued to strap all our belongings we could take with us onto the donkeys,  The dawn was nearing as we left Bethlehem, and My mother with tears in her eyes said good-bye to the fond memories in our little modest home.

(Special note:  It was the Child Jesus who came today to tell Gianna this and visit with her.)