Tuesday Truth in Deep Love🤗❤️🙏

“Do not mistake littleness with lack of power. Littleness is detachment from possessions and is purity of heart. It is simpleness and the wisdom to avoid the influence of wickedness. Littleness is not associated with the lack of wealth, prestige or success. Those who are little joyfully surrender all their attachments to this world and persevere with endurance. It does not bother them not to have to attachments because they are dependent on Me and are attached to Me.”(From Jesus to Gianna below)

The longer I live, the more I realize my “possessions” possess me more than I “possess” them. Whether it’s me, or someone else doing it, all of the “things” that surround me will be rendered back into the dust of the earth one day soon. If not before I’m gone, shortly after. For what service to God do all of these “things” provide if I lose my soul gaining them? How many could be fed with what I “waste?”
I’m not going to spend a lot of time in “worry” over this as that’s also a waste of time that could be used for something more productive, but it does create a shift of consciousness inside of me that causes me to yearn to do better.
I consider myself very blessed to be alive today. We have indoor plumbing, soft and elegant mattresses to sleep on, heating and air conditioning, transportation to pretty much anywhere we want to go with heating and AC contained therein. Even our churches have comfy and beautiful environs where we can reflect upon Jesus’s life, suffering and death without the slightest modicum of discomfort.
I think the biggest question I have to ask myself is “how will I react if all of this is gone tomorrow? And it could very well be gone tomorrow, especially considering how collectively defiant we are of God’s Word as a society.
We are a society that operates mostly on ego, and little on conscience.
Most of us in society, me included, tend to be “takers” more than givers. While I do “give” in a way that causes me little discomfort, it takes less than a glance to look over my “possessions,” and realize that if I live the rest of my life trying, I’ll never be able to keep up with them physically or financially. Between the repairs needed, and the things that become rendered obsolete over time which once cost lots of money but now just sit collecting dust, I haven’t been an especially good custodian of that which surrounds me.
So I pray. God will be showing me a “shift” in the next few years as the physical body I depend on wanes into death. I will no longer be able to care for all of these “things,” yet, I do believe that if I keep my heart, soul, and mind humbly rested in Him, He will always provide a purpose for me. If Christopher Reeve could direct a movie with quadriplegia, there must be some way I can still serve even if I’m in a diaper, if not merely by being kind to the souls that help me through my bodily deterioration that their lives might be made brighter. No matter how much we are “stripped,” it’s incumbent upon us to remember to what level Jesus was stripped so that we might live in His humble arms for all of eternity. To put our lives into perspective, and to remember that even our bodies are going to return to the dust, with the only thing remaining being the love from the gifts we shared with others that they might also live better lives, through, with, and in Him.
We will be simplified and we will be humbled whether we like it or not. How we live through it, will be dependent upon at what level we keep our hearts, souls, and minds rested in Him, and how much we strive to remain all in, and totally His. No matter our “physical” state of being.❤️🙏
(Reflection by Kenny Meek)

Message from Jesus to Gianna Talone Sullivan, I Am Your Jesus of Mercy Vol V
Lesson #18
In Assisi
September 11, 1995
My dear little one, I love My people. I love to be with them. I am the innocent, gentle Son of Man who was betrayed and condemned to death. I in My innocense carried sorrow in My heart for all the world. The wickedness of the world stood before Me and condemned Me. Yet the world thought it was I who stood in sentence before them. My acceptance of their sentence was so that they would not die. I accepted the sentence of death for them, for all people, that the body might die by the sword but the soul could live forever for all those who believed in Love. The foolish man is one who does not believe in God. For those who do not believe God exists will betray their very selves, and their own wickedness will condemn them. But for those who believe in My salvation through My victory in death will joyously celebrate and be with their gentle God. The wicked and righteous shall be slayed by their very own sword, but the innocent and meek of heart shall live for all eternity.
I shall stand by My people always even though many, one by one, have chosen and are choosing to walk away from Me. Those who desire to remain with Me, I in My infinite wisdom chastise now in order that they will reign with Me and share in My glory. I desire to teach them now and encourage them to be “little” children, little in all ways: actions, thoughts, deeds and speech; little through simplicity and humility of heart.
Do not mistake littleness with lack of power. Littleness is detachment from possessions and is purity of heart. It is simpleness and the wisdom to avoid the influence of wickedness. Littleness is not associated with the lack of wealth, prestige or success. Those who are little joyfully surrender all their attachments to this world and persevere with endurance. It does not bother them not to have to attachments because they are dependent on Me and are attached to Me. Initially the surrender of their possessions may involve disheartening feelings along with temptations for the sweet enticements of the world; but as My little ones accept and renew daily their invitation to allow Me to love them, they master their feelings and find that even their feelings are attachments and obstacles to purity and humility of heart. They, with time and perseverance, become little children, pure and joyfully free, yet powerful and full of My heavenly treasures.
O’ little one, how I invite all people to share in My great glory as My saints. My saints were little in the world, yet powerful because they chose to master their feelings by surrendering any possession or attachments to the world which might have prevented them from listening to My will and responding. The less the world gave to them, the more they received from Me. I invite all My people to be My little children, My saints. I love all and call all to My Heart.
I wait to see who will answer and respond to My call from heaven above, for those who respond will be My little children, My saints.
Bless you, little one, and continue to pray for all people in the world and for peace and unity. AD DEUM.