Wednesday Truth in Deep Love🤗❤️🙏

“I have not humbled Myself to teach you words of truth given to Me from My Father so that you can leisurely read them as a pastime! I Am here for you, My people… to save you! Take seriously My teachings. Begin to practice My words of love so that I may continue to teach and restore your peace.
Receive graciously My words for, I tell you, the time will come when you will no longer hear them! They are for your salvation! They are for your life, not your death!”(From Jesus to Gianna below)

The older I get, the more I realize that holiness comes through a whole lot of irony. “Dying so that others might live,” glory to God through our humility, and giving completely of ourselves that others might live through, with, and in Him.
Living The Word is a constant exercise in prayer and “course correction,” and in order to live fully in Him, we have to humble ourselves enough to allow Him to walk us through that process. Suspending our “EGO”(edging God out) so that He might be let in through the power of The Holy Spirit and give us the grace to walk humbly in His path, hopefully n a way that attracts others that they might follow willingly.
Jesus has no use for our “pride,” or our ego, whether it be our “collective ego,” or our personal ego, both of which tend to be stumbling blocks on our paths to holiness and righteousness.
Jesus calls us to constantly place ourselves at the “foot of the cross.” To reflect on the “Sorrowful Mysteries” of the Holy Rosary, that we might remember what He did for us that we might humble ourselves through Him. To keep ourselves of a mindset that is “all in, and totally His,” for only through us can “His Kingdom come,” that all might live in Him. That we might all carry ourselves in His Word, for He is The Way, The Truth, and The Life, and that we might make our way to The Father through Him. We can on.y do that through love, even if it means dying for Him.❤️🙏
(Reflection by Kenny Meek)

Message from Jesus to Gianna Talone Sullivan, I am Your Jesus of Mercy
JUNE 20, 1989
My dear people, you wonder why I say the same words over and over again!
I tell you, I wish to teach you other important tools for your salvation but it is you who prevent Me. If you cannot grasp or begin what I teach you now, you will not begin to practice what I wish to teach you in the future!
I repeat over and over again the basic core of peace and your salvation. When are you going to begin to practice My words? When are you going to open your hearts and allow Me to love you? WHEN?
I have not humbled Myself to teach you words of truth given to Me from My Father so that you can leisurely read them as a pastime! I Am here for you, My people… to save you!
Take seriously My teachings. Begin to practice My words of love so that I may continue to teach and restore your peace.
Receive graciously My words for, I tell you, the time will come when you will no longer hear them! They are for your salvation! They are for your life, not your death!
So do not say, My people, the same message is reiterated over and over again. When you begin to do as I have requested, My Father will allow more to be given.
I am here to save My people-to desperately try to save them! But they are not listening to Me nor allowing Me to save them. Bring to Me this week My people in prayer, My child. I will listen and be comforted.