Sunday Truth in Deep Love🤗❤️🙏

“All My youth are good, but it is the way of today which leads them to evil and loss of self-respect. When their culture does not fortify them in faith in God, and there is lack of family love or support, they turn to whatever means is available to maintain what little self worth is established.”(From Jesus to Gianna below)

How many of us really and truly teach our kids to care for each other? We go to school on the first day, where we have “Phys Ed,” which is good for our bodies, but they’re teaching us to compete with each other as opposed to loving each other, and our souls suffer greatly during those “formative years.” I was terrible in sports, bullied, and felt like I had to turn mean just to survive.
Even as the world grows darker, many of our “church youth” do give me hope, as they are encouraged to do service projects, and they not only go out and “do it,” they learn how to not only love, but to love on a deeper level than many adults ever learn to love in their entire lifetime.
Now I’m not about the kind of culture where “everyone gets a trophy,” but I’m also not about immersing our kids in so much “competition,” that they walk away with their ego either inflated, or deflated depending upon whether they won or lost. School shouldn’t be for that, and survival for me in that culture, while I suppose it “built character” on some level, left me with scars that I still carry. In my quest for survival I turned mean at times, and I hurt people who did nothing wrong. Fortunately the “substance abuse” to which I gravitated for a bit didn’t take too much of a toll on my body, but there is minor residual damage from which it’s too late to recover.
I feel like we as a society need to do better, especially today as the “media” and political systems have devolved into nothing but hate fests, where all stops are removed in order to “win.” The false dichotomy they’ve cast us into on the social level fosters hatred merely by existing. And our kids watch as our alleged “leaders” behave like bullies, lying, cheating, and pulling out every evil manipulative tactic they can just to “win.”
Yet how much of our public resources get poured into sports as opposed to service projects? I don’t have stats, but I highly suspect the imbalance is significant. Service in love doesn’t require a “sports complex” in order to happen. It merely takes desire, effort, and enough cash to cover the costs of helping others.
Service in love is what Jesus calls us to, and our youth are starved for opportunities to do that. Schools aren’t helping or encouraging this, but fortunately we do have churches with interested adult staff and volunteers ready and willing to “teach” love. Not just to “teach it,” but to facilitate the experience of it, because love really can’t be “taught,” as our public schools attempt to do without the benefit of some tangible reality to back it up. Love can’t be forced upon us or bullied into us, it has to be experienced and felt.
Jesus calls us to love, not to compete, and I pray that we as a society can create a shift in public consciousness that might pave the way for betterment. A shift that puts more of us on the path of Jesus for others to follow. A path that keeps His Heavenly Kingdom open for all, that we might remain all in, and totally His. Just love.❤️🙏
(Reflection by Kenny Meek)

Message from Jesus to Gianna Talone Sullivan, I am Your Jesus of Mercy vol III
JUNE 26, 1990
My dear child, how I love all My people. I continue to speak to you of My love for them because of the ever-growing flame which exists in My Heart for them, especially My youth.
In today’s world, many of My youth are lost. They are so far from Me. My youth represent the new tomorrow, and yet, too many are distant. Tonight I wish to invite and call back all of My young ones to My Most Sacred and Merciful Heart!
My dear one, the youth today suffer because of the lack of love and a lack of support. They hunger to be fed by being included by their brethren. They will go out of their way, beyond reasonable measures, simply to feel included and of worth and loved! Many of these ways go as far as to pull them into evil behavior. All My youth are good, but it is the way of today which leads them to evil and loss of self-respect. When their culture does not fortify them in faith in God, and there is lack of family love or support, they turn to whatever means is available to maintain what little self worth is established. Envy and hatred builds in them, thinking that love will surface through possessiveness and authority. My young ones are not at fault, for they know not what they do!
Children, as I have said, are the product of the family, and reflect the faith it has in Me! Where is the family love? Where are all My beloved ones? I tell you, even seldom do My families sit down together and freely discuss with one another My love. Parents are separated from children. Children, desiring to be of value to humanity, participate in exercises not beneficial to their spiritual health; all because of the elimination of love from the family.
I have said many times that discipline is accomplished through love. How can My people tell their children what or what not to do if they only speak to them when correction is needed? You must first love with all of your heart and re-spect, before you gain confidence and obedience.
Look to Me as the source of discipline, love and peace!
I shall comfort you and give all the means of loving discipline.
I desire so for My young ones to come to Me, but, how can they come to Me if they do not know Me, or worse yet, do not know of Me?
Pray for My beloved young ones and bring them back to Me, to My Most Sacred Divine Heart. This is the year of My youth. Let all be refreshed in the presence of My Mother, who cleanses and cares for all her children who have been harmed.
Thank you, My dear one, for spending time with Me in the presence of My Most Blessed Sacrament. Receive My peace.