Thursday Truth in Deep Love🤗❤️🙏

“To have an open heart is NOT placing emphasis and value on YOUR interpretations of what is good or what is bad. It is remaining neutral and open. It is remaining without judgment as much as possible.
All humans judge, but when you make a conscious effort not to judge, you will be open to My goodness.”(From Jesus to Gianna below)

How often do we allow our opinions(basis from which we judge)to be formed by media, outside influences, or the devil possessed political systems that surround us? Our Lord reminds us below that “All humans judge, but when you make a conscious effort not to judge, you will be open to My goodness.”
God calls us to serve and to love, no more no less, but if our actions are clouded or influenced by our judgment, or from outside influences that are not of God, then there’s a good chance that our efforts will be tainted in a way that causes us to lead others off of His Holy Path, and unwittingly lead people to sin because we’ve influenced them in a way that is not of Him. Our Lord further reminds us to “Make a conscious effort to remain neutral, to surrender unto Me. This is obedience. Remain emotion free, as much as possible, so that I can unite My emotions with yours. My emotions of goodness will become your emotions. I promise you, as I promise all My children, this fact of My truth.”
That’s pretty powerful, and says it way better than I could. If we completely keep ourselves open to Him, and ask Him to help us to see each soul and each situation as He does, as opposed to the lens of “society,” then our odds of “course correction” unto His Will will increase exponentially as we love each other free of social encumbrances. Judgements based on race, social status, or political position, will all fall into the abyss and be rendered into dust, as we draw each other into His Heavenly Kingdom in a way that’s pleasing to Him, and we all become purveyors of truth in deep love, and help to bring His Kingdom to fruition as He has proclaimed in The Gospel.
May we keep ourselves in prayer, and ask Him to show us The Way, for only He is The Way, The Truth, and The Life, and that we keep ourselves and everyone we touch on a path that leaves us “all in, and totally His. In perfect love.❤️🙏
(Reflection by Kenny Meek)

Message from Jesus to Gianna Talone Sullivan, I am Your Jesus of Mercy
JANUARY 8, 1989
Let us now continue with our lesson on the open heart.
To have an open heart is to accept what I give you gratefully, trusting that I will provide. To have an open heart is NOT placing emphasis and value on YOUR interpretations of what is good or what is bad. It is remaining neutral and open. It is remaining without judgment as much as possible.
All humans judge, but when you make a conscious effort not to judge, you will be open to My goodness.
This is what entails an open heart:
There are no emotions, because emotions will influence your openness. It is surrendering and remaining neutral to circumstances. It is through this form of obedience that I can fill you completely with My graces and goodness. It is in this form that you will, also, receive and absorb the bonded link of My grace and goodness.
To have an open heart is not to expect according to your desires.
If you expect according to your desires, you block the receipt of the many graces I shed. This is a simple lesson, but one which is so difficult for My people to practice. I tell you this, so that you will learn and be able to receive more.
I would not tell you this if I did not love you.
I want all My people to receive and fully share in the glory of My Kingdom. I wish for all to receive My treasures. I am not greedy! I wish to give! I wish to give to you! I wish to give you My treasures, all of them, but you need to open your hearts, so that you will receive them.
Make a conscious effort to remain neutral, to surrender unto Me. This is obedience. Remain emotion free, as much as possible, so that I can unite My emotions with yours.
My emotions of goodness will become your emotions. I promise you, as I promise all My children, this fact of My truth.
Please pray now, the chaplet of Divine Mercy to My Father for the salvation of souls, and in thanksgiving for His goodness.