Friday Truth in Deep Love🤗❤️🙏
“I am not a spiteful God, nor am I a revengeful one. I am all loving and giving. I wish to give the fruits of Paradise, but the fruits I wish to give are not the ones My people desire. They live for momentary pleasure. I have the fruits of lasting grace, of lasting pleasure.”(From Jesus to Gianna below)
We don’t have to dive especially deep to see how much emphasis society puts on “momentary pleasure.” “One night stands,” alcohol, drugs, the slave and sex trades, and the diversions from truth that our media and political parties bestow upon us. All of the things that appeal to our ego and diminish our consciences, add up to a culture that would have made any thinking, caring person gasp merely 50 years ago.
We’ve so gotten away from God, and I have to confess to “you my brothers and sisters,” that I made every effort at many times in my life to enable that mass “exodus from God’s Will,” as a willing participant in the worst sin and debauchery society had and has to offer. I believed that “secular humanism” carried all of life’s answers, and that somehow the fear, hate, and power mongers of this world had the “answers” that would save us. I also found the notion of “God” cruel and restrictive, and somehow thought “religion” was going to destroy society, as I watched 9-11’ and the perceived “cruelty” Abrahamic religions seemed to put onto society.
Yet, somewhere in the ether, in the depths of each and every soul, God waits for us. All of us are “prodigal sons” to some degree, as we allow this world to carry us into “dark nights of the soul,” from which only God can rescue us. And if we’re truly honest with ourselves, we will in fact place ourselves at the “foot of The Cross” when adversity comes upon us, and humbly submit to Him, for only He has the power to love us without “human conditions” being placed upon us. Submission to His Will as opposed to society’s will can be daunting, as Satan’s minions are ready and waiting to catch us off guard, and trap us into defying Him on some level that might require extra “redemption” on our parts as individuals.
Yet, we are loved so deeply, and it’s incumbent upon us to remember that so that we can let others know how deeply loved they are. Through immersion in prayer, and opening ourselves up to Him for love, truth, and guidance, he will in fact hold us in His mantle and give us the tools of “sight” that we need to bring His love to the table. The table where all are welcome, as we are all sinners in need of redemption whether we’re willing to admit it or not. We’re called to love, no more no less. I pray that we bring Him close on this morning that when we leave our houses we will be equipped for love. God’s love, and God gives us permission to share that love, for God’s love is in the “public domain” for each of us to use freely without licensure or obstacles, that we might keep His Kingdom alive on earth, that every soul can live a life that’s all in, and totally His. “Light of the world, shine on me, love is the answer.” Always and forever.❤️🙏
(Reflection by Kenny Meek)
Message from Jesus to Gianna Talone Sullivan, I am Your Jesus of Mercy Vol III
SEPTEMBER 17, 1990
My dear one, I am a loving God Who comes to speak of My love for My people. How I purely love them! My people are good people. They were created good. Good exists in them.
When they are bad, the good still exists in them because I created them. It was their free will with which they selected the path of evil, which prevented them from growing in My goodness.
I am not a spiteful God, nor am I a revengeful one. I am all loving and giving. I wish to give the fruits of Paradise, but the fruits I wish to give are not the ones My people desire. They live for momentary pleasure. I have the fruits of lasting grace, of lasting pleasure.
Today, I simply wish for all My people to know that I love them, whether they love Me or not. I love them, and will never change or leave them. I am a merciful and loving God.
I can only love and have mercy!
It saddens Me that My people do not desire the freshness of My love, but I will always continue to leave My door open, and the light of My Kingdom on for them, in hopes of their love. Pray for them, child, and express My love. Bring them home, for they are hungry, cold and malnourished. How I desire their friendship. Friends are loving, and never expect anything from one another. I cannot purchase their love or their friendship. I can only give to them all that I am! I give them My heart and My everlasting love, a blissful Paradise.
Thank you, My dear one, for writing My words for My very special people, people who live in My heart. How I love them. They are My new tomorrow. Bless you, and bless all My people. My Peace.