Our Mission
The purpose of this website is to share the Love and the Wisdom of Our Lady Of Emmitsburg with the world

© 2015 G. Talone-Sullivan
Miraculous Photo – May 2015
One morning on awakening, I noticed this photo on my nightstand. I placed it in my home chapel, thinking it was the OLOE drawing. It wasn’t until a week later, when I was doing my liturgy of the hours, all of a sudden I realized that picture was a PHOTO – not a pencil drawing or painting!
When I looked at it again, I was amazed at how real she looked, just like when she visits me. Many people have claimed healings when praying to Our Blessed Mother.
~ Gianna Talone Sullivan
People are invited to contact Gianna Talone-Sullivan for presentations, healing prayers, private talks, tours. To be able to connect with her directly, please fill out the contact form. Gianna will connect with you.
This Website is dedicated to Our Lady of Emmitsburg, and the messages received through the mystical experiences of Gianna Talone-Sullivan since 1991.
Posted here are many recent public and some private messages from 2011 and later, along with some messages with perspectives and messages from God the Father, and the Hidden Life of the Child Jesus. Writings on the Eucharistic Reign are also presented for reference.
Gianna’s unique mystical experiences involve the Child Jesus. Jesus from the wood of the cradle to the wood of the Cross.
Her messages are urging all people of all faiths to return to God. Many healings have occurred amongst children with cancer, disabilities both physical and mental, and women with fertility issues (not only have women have later become pregnant but have had twins).
Our Lady of Emmitsburg
“This is the Center of my Immaculate Heart. This is the place in salvific history where God has chosen to unveil His Divine Mercy. It is not just another apparition site; however, it is the site for humanity to seek refuge, a site that will go down in history as the greatest place of my presence to which God has allowed me to come. Because of this, there is more controversy, conflicting data and also trivial, insignificant scrupulosity in conversations among people. Simply detach. Wait and give. Give unconditionally to one another.”
Our Lady of Emmitsburg “I am NOT leaving”
Miraculous Photo – May 2015
© 2015 G. Talone-Sullivan
One morning on awakening, I noticed this photo on my nightstand. I placed it in my home chapel, thinking it was the OLOE drawing.
It wasn’t until a week later, when I was doing my liturgy of the hours, all of a sudden I realized that picture was a PHOTO – not a pencil drawing or painting!
When I looked at it again, I was amazed at how real she looked, just like when she visits me. This miraculous photo is a more concise image of how Our Blessed Mother presents herself to me.
~ Gianna Talone Sullivan
1994 Peter Bianchi Drawing (right)
The original pencil drawing picture of Our Lady of Emmitsburg was completed by Peter Bianchi in November, 1995.
Gianna had met weekly with Peter and his wife for a period of 11 months. The pencil drawing on paper had almost torn from corrections until the last meeting, when Peter was able to capture 90% of the way that Our Lady presented herself as Our Lady of Emmitsburg. The artwork was completed and disseminated to hundreds of thousands of pilgrims while the apparitions were still hosted at St. Joseph Catholic Church in Emmitsburg through 1994-2000.
St. Joseph Church in Emmitsburg was overseen by the Vincentians and at that time, was managed through Fr. Al Pherrson, CM in the Archdiocese of Baltimore.