“I want My people to know that it is most important during this time that they be very careful in how they perceive others in thought, word, and deeds. Be careful how you see yourself. Do not be self-righteous and see yourself
as favored, yet others as confused, lost, or in need of pity. I will
not enter into the already established forum of many groups and
organizations where I need to justify My Being, My Presence, My
words or that of My Mother’s.”(From Gianna below)

How many times have we encountered a haughty “Christian” brother or sister who “warns” us about some aspect of our theology, or our path that could lead to “trouble?” They become so immersed in their flavor of doctrine that they dismiss all others as “invalid,” or even “dangerous,” when they have cobwebs in their own closet that need attention? Trust me, we all have “cobwebs” that need attention, and though there are good people out there to guide us, at the end of the day, we can only draw Jesus close to us within ourselves, lest we become guilty of idolatry. I doubt there is even a church on this planet that hasn’t failed us on some level, as humans, aside from Jesus Himself, are way far from perfect. Jesus came to us as a humble servant leader, who allowed Himself to be broken completely, yet we who claim to be followers of He who is so beautifully humble, attempt to stand in some sort of position of “godly authority,” and cast judgment on others because they are seeking Jesus in themselves instead of some human doctrinal position that we ourselves espouse. Even Church leaders of every denomination are subject to flaw on many levels, as only He holds the power and glory of Godly perfection, and the rest of us are subject to influences outside of His realm. Even religious councils are subject to human discernment, and don’t always get it right. In fact, many times in their efforts at “damage control,” they get it hideously wrong.
It’s up to us to remember who He is on a personal level, and to pray for our own discernment, that we can carry ourselves humbly into His light that others might follow. Our Master was and is a humble servant of the highest order, and who are we to present ourselves as greater than Him? I pray that we all seek Him in humility, and ask Him to help us to see others as He sees them, that we can go forth in love, free from judgement and self righteousness. That we ask Him to show us how to be an example, as opposed to an “authority,” that others will not be dismissed by our “lack of love.” In perfect love. All in and totally His.❤️🙏

As told to Gianna Talone Sullivan, I am your Jesus of Mercy Vol V
In private chapel at home
October 30, 1995
Your Own Lack of Love
“My little one, I want My people to know that it is contradictory
to say that you love and are merciful and then to turn around and
blame others for their lack of response to their needs. You cannot say
you live My Word and then turn around and judge, be indifferent,
be complacent, or treat others as aliens because they do not share
your belief or because you feel they are not living as children of
the Father and disciples of the Son. I want My people to know that
it is most important during this time that they be very careful in
how they perceive others in thought, word, and deeds. Be careful
how you see yourself. Do not be self-righteous and see yourself
as favored, yet others as confused, lost, or in need of pity. I will
not enter into the already established forum of many groups and
organizations where I need to justify My Being, My Presence, My
words or that of My Mother’s.
What is needed is unconditional love and acceptance for all
people. I am your Jesus of Mercy. I am God. Those who wish to
believe My words may be at peace, and those who wish to scrutinize
and scandalize My words by looking at the messenger instead of
the message may also do so. But I tell you, no one is superior, self-
righteous, favored, or in a more grace-filled position who cannot
love unconditionally. How can you say you love Me with all your
heart and desire to be Me and even study My Way and My Word,
then turn around and criticize and condemn with a sense of author-
ity? The more you humble yourself and become meek of heart will
you gain authority on that which is Divine. My message of love
and mercy may seem to be too simple of a task and without full
flavor for many people. If this is so, why is it that so few people
are responding at all levels to My words and requests? My people
are filled with human anger and they fight evil with evil. They are
filled with hate. Yet My people also feel they are chosen, that they
will gain the Kingdom, and that they are justified in blaming others.
What is needed is love at all levels for all My people regardless
of title, position or authority, even in My Church. Love is what is
needed. Mercy!
It is dangerous to blame others for war. It is dangerous to blame
others for lack of resources. It is dangerous to blame others for lack
of health. First, you must look to yourself and see your own lack
of love. It is love which saves. It is the lack of love of which you
yourself are guilty that has led to wars, crime, lack of resources
hunger and pain. LOVE! LOVE! LOVE! Many are caught Up in
My Mother’s loving words of hope and encouragement. They say
they live Her messages, yet they turn around and criticize, judge
Or keep their distance from those they feel are not living as Gods
children. Those types of actions are not loving. Those actions are
not merciful. Those actions do not yield a meek or humble heart.
OF ALL NATIONS. If you choose to follow Me and My Word,
then you will live My Word and love as I love. Regardless of the
messenger, regardless of the place, regardless of your own personal
opinion, you will love unconditionally and humble yourself to be
like Me if you are truly My servant. Better now to search your
motives than to find out later that you were filled with bloated
It is because I love My people and desire them to be free that I
reveal My words of truth. Those who feel uncomfortable reading
My words or are quick to pass judgment on the authenticity of My
words should perhaps reflect on them more deeply, for they are the
ones held captive and slave to pride. It reflects their ways and their
actions. It is likened to the high priest who comes before Me thank-
ing Me that he is righteous and not like the rest of the sinners and
the beggar who beats his breast pleading for God’s mercy because
He is a sinner. Who do you think will gain the Kingdom? Beware of
your spiritual pride. Turn now away from your sinful mannerisms,
and LOVE. Love yourself, love others, and love to be humble.
I bless you and love you. I give to you My peace and I hope you will
decide for LOVE. It is your choice. Peace. AD DEUM”