Friday Truth in Deep Love🤗❤️🙏

“Peace is what all My people desire, but they desire the peace they wish to create from human ways, not from those things which give true peace. Peace is patience, and this will be with you as you follow My ways and as you deny yourself; for those who lose their life will gain it!”(From Jesus to Gianna below)

How do we secure peace in the midst of so much anger and so many lies coming at us from two opposing forces? Folks sitting around in one “camp” scrutinizing the lies coming from the other “camp,” both of which are so weak in “self examination” that any hope of objectivity is rendered moot.
How do we remember whom we represent, reflecting He who is the “Prince of Peace,” when we’re busy arguing as to whose lies are allegedly “true,” and whose are not. Supporting people who are so utterly devoid of character, when we’re at a point in our social existence that Jesus is now our only hope?
I’m going to go out on a limb here with the Morgan Freeman answer to the discussions on “race,” and apply it to politics, and that goes as follows-“stop talking about it.”
We don’t know everything we’d like to think we do, and if we remain humble in all things, and listen, we will learn. Remembering that the person doing the most talking is rarely the “smart person in the room,” because they’re typically the one doing the least listening.
Allowing those who are humble to be our teachers, the great Carmelites, Theresa, Therese, and John of the Cross, who would never admit to their greatness, as they teach us how to act in love and humility. And most of all, Jesus, who in the utmost act of humility and suffering, gave everything that we might place ourselves at the foot of the cross, that we might emulate the greatest gift given to humanity.
To love and to be humble. To be little like children as we look each soul we encounter in the eyes, allowing God to show us who they are in their innocence from His loving perspective, rather than pretending to speculate as to how He is going to “judge them.” To understand that “everyone in the room” thinks differently, and remembering that coming to them with our ego will only stimulate their ego, and there will be no “winners” in a conflict causing interaction. Love is the only “true” answer, and all else is but dust in the wind. To remain all in, and totally His, we must first be small, and allow Him the glory. It isn’t about who’s right, but about what is right, and only God knows that. We’re just here to love. That’s it.❤️🙏
(Reflection by Kenny Meek)

Message from Jesus to Gianna Talone Sullivan, I am Your Jesus of Mercy Vol III
MARCH 25, 1991
My dear child, I have told My people, ‘My peace I give you, not as the world gives peace, but as I give to you.’ Do not mix the peace of the world with the peace of God. Those who hear My voice follow Me and seek after My Way. Do not focus on the journey of others. Do not be preoccupied with what others are saying or doing.
Focus on Me and how you may please Me. You will seldom be disturbed if you look toward Me and so not judge the intentions of others. However, in your journey with Me, do not think that you will not be troubled or burdened with interior suffering or external suffering, for this is the way of the world in which you live. Do not think that if you suffer, you cannot have My peace. Do not think that if you are loved by others, you are in a state of peace in union with Me. Do not think that if your devotion and prayer are of sweetness, you are especially a beloved one, for it is not the case with My true disciples who are rich in My virtue. I have said progress, not perfection!
There is little progress for the man who thinks he is walking in perfection! Therefore, do not think you have gained true peace if you feel no adversity. Do not think you have gained perfection if things go according to your wishes and desires. My peace is not the peace the nature of man knows!
Focus all your attention on Me. Offer all of yourself to Me and do not seek to gain anything of this world or the next. Maintain a balance of all joys and sorrows. Seek only Me, and do not weigh your heart heavily on either your sadness or your happiness.
If you suffer, do not justify yourself to think otherwise, but utilize your virtue of hope and live in My faith, knowing My justice will be completed according to the glory of My Father in union with the Holy Trinity.
Peace is what all My people desire, but they desire the peace they wish to create from human ways, not from those things which give true peace. Peace is patience, and this will be with you as you follow My ways and as you deny yourself; for those who lose their life will gain it!
I love you, My dear one, as I love all My people. I give you My peace, and know that this peace can dwell in you in the midst of all your sufferings and burdens, not only your joys. So do not give up hope, but rejoice when your suffering is of Mine. All My true lovers of virtue experience peace through the progress of inner conflict and self contempt, instead of self perfection.
I bless you, once again, and all My people. I am your Jesus of Mercy, Who gives you My peace, not as the world gives peace; but the peace of the Holy Trinity for all eternity.
Come, follow Me and bathe in My perfume of everlasting peace.
Come, I shall cleanse you and dress you in the finest robes.
Come, all you who are weary.
Come, to your Jesus of Mercy.
I await you!