Wednesday Truth in Deep Love🤗❤️🙏
“Know the truth from the deadly effects of sin. To you, My beloved ones, who strive to live in My humility, love and mercy, be not afraid. Your torments will result in your crown of glory which I will share with you. All you who are scandalized, take “courage” as your staff (walking stick) in hand and valiantly conquer the evil of envy with love and perseverance in truth. I am with you always and My Kingdom is yours.”(From Jesus to Gianna below)
There’s a reason I don’t go to high school reunions, most of which have to do with “politics.” There are also “hyper partisan” people on both sides of the aisle with whom I have no interest in being around due to their inability to keep their opinions “in their pants.” I observe way too many people sitting around in “virtual echo chambers” pontificating about what’s “wrong with the other side,” rather than engaging in some semblance of self reflection, asking ourselves “what’s so wrong with my own worldview that might cause someone to vote for someone so reprehensible.” And we’re split right down the middle by agendas and half truths, neither “side” adequately assessing the other to understand why they(we) feel the way they(we)do. We’re lemmings to the crafted “agenda of the week,” which is almost always laden with half truths that make that “agenda” a whole lie.
The sad irony of it all is that the King of Kings is far more humble than we are, as He was willing to die for us, yet most of us can barely even engage in civil discourse without our egos flaring up and “pissing someone off” because of our “need to be heard.”
Make no mistake, I’m often just as guilty on the “interior,” and I’ve been known to “engage” when someone sticks their arrogance far enough outside their pants to raise my own ire, when I, in reality, should have walked away from this person long before I did in the interest of civility and my own sanity.
None of us can be “right” all the time, and it’s likely that we’re “wrong” more often than we want to believe, but if we do remain quiet and humble, we will learn things. It’s impossible to learn things when we’re doing all the talking, and the only way my “opinion” is going to change anything, is if I learn to render it with love, and that often means keeping my own mouth shut and living by example, rather than thinking everyone needs to know what I’m thinking.
It’s important that we know our audience, and that we aren’t going to reach our audience by “force.” Only with love, and if we remain in prayer, and in a state of “relative humility,” we can have way more impact on God’s Kingdom than if we’re pontificating, which most of us are inclined to do by nature.
I’ve spent most of my life thinking things are about me when they aren’t, and I have to realize when I go out into this world that nothing is about me. Not to “cower in hiding,” but to demonstrate love to the souls around me, and to keep my politics in my pants. It’s pretty much the only way I’m going to remain all in, and totally His.❤️🙏
(Reflection by Kenny Meek)
Message from Jesus to Gianna Talone Sullivan, I am Your Jesus of Mercy Vol V
Lesson #10
In private chapel at home
March 26, 1995
My dear little one, My children who perform My works of love and mercy are continually judged falsely and are scandalized by others. This is because the poisonous venoms of resentment, jealousy and pride continue to seep into the wicked who thrive on self-love.
They judge My beloved ones falsely and attempt to spoil the good fruits of charity. How impure are the motives of those who scandalize the virtuous servants of Mine! How this human generation has become blind to its own dignity! Do you not see that those who are chained to the vices of envy, impatience, jealousy, gossip and hatred, are slaves to sin? They no longer are great but have become small, and are no longer rulers but have become slaves to the prince of darkness. That is why the prince of darkness, Satan,
was hurled down from the heavens. His pride and jealousy caused him to boast in self-righteousness and self-love to the point that he would have no glory shared with any human being. He wanted all for himself. From the poison of envy, pride and jealousy grew an incurable hatred which resulted in death.
Those who do not pay heed to My words of love and mercy are deprived of life because they live to sin. But I increase the virtues of mercy and charity in My children. Their torments only increase their graces. Those who judge falsely, however, will live in their own torment, for in the end they will falsely judge their own practices.
They will be in misery for they will not allow My mercy to dwell in them. They will judge their sin to be greater than My mercy and will therefore be eternally tormented.
Tell My people My words, little one. It is not My desire that any one person miss the bridge of life and the refreshing waters from which abundant graces flow. I desire all to live in purity and integrity. Know the truth from the deadly effects of sin. To you, My beloved ones, who strive to live in My humility, love and mercy, be not afraid. Your torments will result in your crown of glory which I will share with you. All you who are scandalized, take “courage” as your staff (walking stick) in hand and valiantly conquer the evil of envy with love and perseverance in truth. I am with you always and My Kingdom is yours. All I have I give to you. I bless you, My beloved people. Peace. AD DEUM.