Tuesday Truth in Deep Love🤗❤️🙏

“Make no mistake about prayer. It must be made known to My people that universal prayer, in its entirety, is the spark to igniting a chain of healing graces. Tell My people not to pray only for themselves or their families. Pray for all! Pray for world conversion, world peace, My priests and sisters. Pray for the unemployed, the homeless, the sick. Pray for the dying and especially those souls in Purgatory. They await your prayers.”(From Jesus to Gianna below)

“You’ve got to pray just to make it today.” MC Hammer

“If you want to learn The Gospel, pray the rosary”(Father John Corapi)

“You cannot be in a state of prayer from a place of pride.”(From me below)

Terry and I set aside about an hour every day just to pray together. We laugh, we cry, and we bond in a way that’s hard to do just “living life” as such. The Holy Rosary takes up about half of that prayer time. Reflecting on the life of Jesus so often that it’s become ingrained in us, and hopefully keeps us prepared to act as Jesus would when we go out into the public sphere. The beauty of prayer is that it’s always available to us. We don’t need our phone, or tablet to make it happen, although there are things available to us that can aid in prayer as many people use the Hallow app and things like that to draw them in and help guide them through the process. It’s also possible to keep ourselves close to a state of prayer as we walk each other through this world. Prayers of gratitude whether things are going well for us or not. Prayers of forgiveness or asking for forgiveness. Most of all, prayers for help and guidance, because if we think we’re going to get through this life spiritually intact without some form of prayer going on, we may be a little full of ourselves, and subject to things that are not of God, like pride in particular.
You cannot be on a state of prayer from a place of pride. Humility before God is essential because pride comes from ourselves, not from God, and to be immersed in Him, we must detach from our “self,” and allow Him to keep us aligned, through, with, and in The Trinity. Remembering to acknowledge the Father, The Son, and the Holy Spirit, as we humble ourselves and submit to Him. A strong prayer life will keep us in a state of detachment from all things that are not of Him. A strong prayer life will keep our moral compass pointed in a way that will make it harder for us to sin, and guide us as we walk each other through this life on earth, that we migh remain all jn, and totally His. In perfect love.❤️🙏
(Reflection by Kenny Meek)

Message from Jesus to Gianna Talone Sullivan, I am Your Jesus of Mercy Vol II
NOVEMBER 28, 1989
My dear child, I wish for all My people to pray with universal intentions. It is much more powerful when you pray for a quantity of people instead of one person at a time. If you wish one person to be healed, then pray for all the people who need to be healed. The power of prayer is so intense that, the more people you pray for universally, the greater healings are granted! The stronger the forces of good prevail on your behalf.
The angels await My people’s prayers so that they may proclaim them in song to My Father! Make no mistake about prayer. It must be made known to My people that universal prayer, in its entirety, is the spark to igniting a chain of healing graces. Tell My people not to pray only for themselves or their families. Pray for all! Pray for world conversion, world peace, My priests and sisters. Pray for the unemployed, the homeless, the sick. Pray for the dying and especially those souls in Purgatory. They await your prayers.
Tell My people to pray! Tell them of the power they have been granted through Me in loving prayer. I say loving prayer, for any unloving prayer will be struck down and return to the soul from which it derived to cause grief.
This lesson on prayer is not a personal one, child, it is for all My people, for when I speak to you, I am speaking to them. Let them know that you are My child of the world!
As St. Peter symbolizes the father of this world of all people and generations, you are Our child of all the generations, the symbol of children. For all, who are children, shall enter the Kingdom of God.
Tell My people to pray with the innocence and purity of children. Tell them of their power. A childlike prayer penetrates to the core of My Father’s throne. All are children of God. It is necessary to use My graces through innocent prayer.