Sunday Truth in Deep Love🤗❤️🙏
“I tell you that pride is a kingdom that My people create and destruction comes to the kingdoms of pride because of the ego! If My people would put their pride in Me, their Lord, there would be no destruction! To do this you need humbleness and humility, which you cannot receive without giving Me your heart.”(From Jesus to Gianna below)
Neither my race, sex or sexual orientation make me any more or less virtuous than anyone else. The same goes for every single person on this planet, yet we celebrate these things from a place of “pride,” when every ancient lesson we’ve ever been taught has demonstrated to us that “pride goeth before a fall, (Proverbs 16:18) and is also one of the “seven deadly sins,” and for good reason. Jesus calls all of us to humility, as He suffered death on a cross for all of our sake, yet we seem to scoff at that act and almost “rub it in His face,” as we expose ourselves for personal gain and to appease our own egos at the expense of His Kingdom.
We’re a society that likes to talk about “equality,” but equality isn’t where it seems to stop. Somehow we seem to have a need for “flamboyance,” an uncalled for appeasement of the collective ego because we were once outcast, yet that was never what Jesus was or is about. We have devolved into a society of advocates for promiscuity, which is at the root of every social problem we face, but rather than speak against it from our hearts and from our pulpits, we gloss it over, ironically with an almost “boys will be boys” attitude, as we create “unwanted children,” spread disease, and exacerbate nearly every social problem we face by our lack of personal restraint.
This is why I celebrate “Humility Month” during what would otherwise be called “Pride Month,” as pride will always be our undoing. We are called to love and to be loved, no more, no less, and everyone is entitled to fairness, but none of us are entitled to a place of elevation before others or to be “revered” as all reverence and glory should be reserved for God and God alone. Jesus died for us that we might die unto ourselves. Not so that we can “show off and be seen,” but so that He can be seen through us, for only by allowing Him to be seen through us can we remain all in, and totally His.
We’re all loved the same in His eyes. May we learn to love each other through those same eyes that all might live through. With, and in Him. There is no room for “pride” on His Kingdom, for all Glory is for Him and Him alone. Only love. ❤️🙏
(Reflection by Kenny Meek)
Message from Jesus to Gianna Talone Sullivan, I am Your Jesus of Mercy
APRIL 9, 1989
Let us now continue.
I gave you a lesson on humility, one which is so important but usually one of the last to be accepted by My people. That is because of My people’s pride and pride is always last in being offered up to Me. My people want to be gods themselves and rulers of their lives. It is because of this that there are so many destructions of kingdoms-man-made kingdoms.
My Kingdom is the only kingdom that no destruction comes to or creates. I tell you that pride is a kingdom that My people create and destruction comes to the kingdoms of pride because of the ego! If My people would put their pride in Me, their Lord, there would be no destruction! To do this you need humbleness and humility, which you cannot receive without giving Me your heart.
So you see, My dear one, all My lessons stem from first giving Me your heart and then receiving the oh-so-many fruitful gifts of grace.
I assure you this lesson on pride will be one that many shall not grasp or choose not to grasp. That is because accepting this lesson and offering to Me your pride will conflict with the kingdom of pride they have created within themselves —their kingdom of “I am god and only I can rule.” The reason for the wars you create is because of your pride in yourselves, instead of pride in Me, your only God.
This is the end of the lesson on pride. Go now in peace, for I am peace.