Monday Truth in Deep Love🤗❤️🙏

“You people cannot handle all I wish to give and teach because of your pompous ego and pride. When you do listen, you do not obey!
Do not wonder why your Lord, God, does not appear to all. Practice your faith. Believe in Me and allow Me to love you. Follow Me. Live My way, not your prideful way!”(From Jesus to Gianna below)

It’s really easy to get caught up in our own “feelings,” bringing “pride” to the table when chips are down, but, if we reflect on Jesus and His passion, even for a brief moment, it should occur to us that pride never wins. Jesus didn’t die for us so that we can get caught up in our own haughtiness, but that we might learn to suspend our egos and make peace with others through humility. Jesus tells us in John 15:13 that “greater love hath no man than this, that a man lay down his life for his friends.” This doesn’t mean marching up the street being flamboyant, or “telling someone off,” as I practice doing in my head quite often, but submitting and letting God take over. Sharing truth with deep love, so that everyone we touch might see Jesus in us and want to follow us “Home” by helping to bring His Kingdom to fruition on earth through love. It means giving, even if that giving means giving everything of our physical being that our spiritual being might live forever in eternity with Him.
Don’t feel bad if reading this brings about some guilt, as I have trouble rereading it myself. Pride is a friend of the devil, and the devil is typically in things that give us comfort, but if we become comfortable in suspending pride when the chips are down, our path to eternity will be more comfortable when it comes time to actually “walk the talk,” and to follow Jesus in The Way that He has shown us. Through humility and love, that every soul we touch might remain all in, and totally His.❤️🙏
(Reflection by Kenny Meek)

Message from Jesus to Gianna Talone Sullivan, I am Your Jesus of Mercy
MAY 30, 1989
My people do not listen to Me. They are deaf to My words.
They pray to Me for events to happen and, when they do, they act in disbelief.
Why should My Father allow signs from Me if, when they happen, there are unbelievers?
We have now allowed My mother all that she wishes and My people still look on in disbelief. She is the beauty of My heart. If My people do not listen to Her words, they will not listen to Mine!
Her words are of love, prayer, thanksgiving and encourage-ment. My words are of mercy, forgiveness, love and respect.
If My people do not wish to hear the truth from their Lord, God, whose words would they live to hear? Which god? The one they create?
You people cannot handle all I wish to give and teach because of your pompous ego and pride. When you do listen, you do not obey!
Do not wonder why your Lord, God, does not appear to all. Practice your faith. Believe in Me and allow Me to love you. Follow Me. Live My way, not your prideful way!