The initial feast of the Sacred Heart of God the Father
Praise be Jesus!
Little ones, I your Mother of Hope come to you and bring to you tremendous peace from my Son. I desire only to share with you His joy and tell you how much you have pleased Him and how much you have given Him through your love and generous ways. So, little ones, I your Mother, here at the Center of My Immaculate Heart, shall be with you to guide and bless you in the Name of the Holy Trinity from whom comes all graces that shall flow abundantly to you and to all of your loved ones.
I take your petitions, and truly this night I am a pleased Mother, and I “knight” you as ambassadors of tremendous light to move forward in the world to be a sign to all the people of God’s great love. I thank you for your kindness. I thank you for your unity. I thank you for your wisdom. I thank you for your prudence. I thank you for all of your graciousness. I thank you for loving God. And most importantly, I thank you for your prayers.
I love you, little children, and never forget that I am your Mother, always to intercede for you before the throne of God in heaven, there always to protect you and to guide you and to make you look most pleasing to your Father. And know that I shall never leave you. For it is a new era and here it commences. Here it starts, with me your Mother, the Queen of all the heavens, the Queen of my Son, the Queen of the universe. I am here in Emmitsburg. I am here at the Center of my Immaculate Heart. I am here in the United States of America. I am here at the Center of my Son’s Divine Mercy. I am here to be with you for all time, for now is the war in which evil will be slain and we shall be victorious because “we love God” and those who love God can only win.
Thank you, little children, and know that I take your petitions, and I am so pleased to bestow upon you the graces of my Most Precious Son, the Sacred Heart of Jesus, from whom blood has flowed from His side to cleanse the world and purge it of sin, and to bring all nations into unity with Him.
Peace be with you. As a Mother I bring you peace, for I as a Mother can only bring peace.