My dear little children, praised be Jesus.
As this year ends, a new one begins; and all of your sorrows and all of your
joys are brought together in my most Immaculate Heart, and from there they
are brought to the Holy Trinity, formed together for a new tomorrow.
Tomorrow brings a new Light, one filled with hope and Truth, one filled
with tremendous holiness and joy; and perhaps, for some, a new beginning,
a challenge to walk forward in the Light of Truth.
There is much to unfold; and yet, I want you all to know that I am your
Mother, graced from heaven above, where your children and all your loved
ones are protected and safe. Upon you I bestow from heaven from God
Almighty His blessings and protection, not only of safety, but also the
shield and seal of God Himself, so that you may be able to walk in peace
and in unity without friction, and that you can be examples of happiness
and Truth for other people.
The world is in turmoil. There is a new world coming where I shall be
victorious in my Immaculate Heart, where the Holy Family shall triumph
indeed. The world shall know the Truth, the Truth of my Son, who reigns,
not only as a Salvific Savior, not only as a Crucified Lord, but as the Child
Jesus who comes forth bringing tremendous joy and freedom and youth for a
new tomorrow, one where all shall live in unity and childlike joy.
I bless you and I take your petitions. I see the turmoil in your hearts. I see
all that you desire to offer to God at the foot of His Cross. I also see, as the
Mother of God with the vision that my Son brings to me, the path filled
with treasures and sweet enticements of joy for all of you and your loved
Those of you who persevere in fortitude shall be holy; and if you
walk away, my Son shall only invite you to come back, and I shall be there
to take your hand. If you do not believe that my call is true, for sinners
you are, and novices indeed, then only look to the Cross and you will see
that my Son died for you. In His death the Truth is revealed, that He came
not for the righteous, but for the sinners and those born anew. For all shall
be in His Kingdom who desire to be with Him. You are all invited. As He
calls the elect and the chosen children of God, you have a choice.
choice is dependent upon free will and your decision to walk forward in my
Son’s Light.

I love you and I bless you, not just today, but in this the beginning of a
new era where my Immaculate Heart will triumph in victory.
My Son’s
Sacred Heart is One with mine because wherever He is, I am too.
I shall
always lead you and your loved ones to Him. Whether you live or die, you
are alive; and you live in the Trinity, and that Oneness is real. It is not
based on human ways, it is based on Divinity. So detachment is necessary
to look toward a future which is endless and free.
I love you and I bless you in the Name of my Son, and I am proud to be
your Mother,
and I thank you as your Mother for being here and
committing yourselves to my Son’s Love.
Peace to you.